Fear in pvp as afflock

hi, i suck in pvp, I try aff lock in solo, and usually people yell “fear more”. But fear breaks in 1.5 sec when dotted. So what do i do wrong, only dot 2, and fear third? i try to get fears out on healer when one dps is low. Seems there is no idea to cast it, better spam dps?


they yell that because ure on lowcr and people there are clueless
fearing as aff is useless as sad as it is
it breaks in 0.2 each time

its much better to just dot 3 people but eventually u will be matched with some cc spec like sub or any mage spec or hunter and then u will be 0-6 most of the time xD
rarely will ccing healer work as aff, but if u have to do that pick oblivion pvp talent
default pvp talents are impish instinct/reflect if vs 2 casters, 3x ua and essence drain(which is swapped for oblivion)
oh and my main is Патокдрысни so yeah i kinda know how to play it

Though you get diminishing returns I spam fear, 123 123 after 15 secs resets, tab fear, tab fear etc , though just play bgs now, i could cycle fear very quickely through 4-5 players, and make sure you take nightmare tallent.

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