Feathermoon RP Hub?

So ive been gone for a while and haven’t rped on my night elf in quite sometime and i was hoping someone could give me an update on whats happened? the place is constantly deserted now.

What happened? is there any night elf rp anymore??


End of the expansion and everyone is waiting for the pre-patch. Don’t think anyone really logs into the game anymore these days. At least I have not seen anyone and the people I talk to all are waiting for the pre-patch.

You will find a lot of the NE RP will be in Feathermoon, although if it’s quiet I imagine people are preparing or breaking for SL.

I’d recommend giving a TRP scan to see who is in the area, as there could be RP elsewhere like Desolace in the Glade :slight_smile:

Joining discord servers will be help to you.

My unit is based in nearby Estulan, there is another Sentinel guild that is based at Feathermoon but they are in a campaign currently far from there.

You’ll find people on occasion here and there but as Karthaerel said, some are RP’ing in busier hubs while waiting for SL to launch.

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It has been quiet there for a while now, things just naturally quieted down as people prepare for the upcoming expansion and nobody has been hosting events there / drawn attention to the hub for some time. These things usually have a snowball effect in how they become active and fade out.

Next week there’ll be a story night at the inn though! Feathermoon Story Night


Hello! Delanae is quite right, The Nightblades normally make their base in Feathermoon. We are currently out on a campaign but sooner or later, all roads lead back to home :slight_smile:

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I’ve spent some time roaming around there, but I just returned to WoW RP so I’m still working on getting the feel for my character back. I’ll make it a point to waddle around during down time!

I think your best bet currently is to find a night elf guild, which you can do RP with. As others pointed out, everywhere is pretty quiet currently, with only a few RP hubs still populated daily (major cities mostly).
There’s still quite a few Kaldorei guilds around though, which I’ve seen active as well, so you can definitely find one :slight_smile:

Hopefully the RP hubs outside of Stormwind will flourish once we get a little into Shadowlands


The server is quite dead at the moment, with very little RP outside Stormwind, outside RP/PvP events. Although I think some elf RP can be found in this thread;

There is plenty of rp outside of the confines of Stormwind if you look for it. I’m not sure why you assume otherwise. It is true, however that some of the older haunts are lower in numbers, but with SL around the corner alot of old faces and new are returning.

But there is definitely rp life outside of Stormwind and certainly in Kali, just need to explore!

I think some guilds are simply away in other zones for events or a campaign. There is plenty roleplay outside of Stormwind, there always is. Yet the map is huge, so you kinda need to figure out where everyone is. Joining a guild or visiting an open social event will help you a lot no doubt!


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