I love WoW’s transmogrification system, but I find that the cost of switching appearances is restricting me (and I suspect many other players) from using the system to its full potential. At over 800 gold for a full set of gear, it feels quite steep. Which is a real shame for a system which allows for so much expression of creativity, identity, fantasy or just plain silliness. Since it’s not integrated into the Trading Post, it’s also difficult to see whether you can make a transmog that would fit a trading post item without spending a lot of gold to experiment (although perhaps the refund feature of the Trading Post allows for a cumbersome alternative).
While I understand the need to have gold-sinks in this game, I think the way it is currently done in the transmog system is perhaps not the best way. There’s a reason why gold cost was removed from the Barber system, and that same scrutiny should be brought upon the transmog system. Perhaps it would be better if we would only need to spend gold once to unlock transmogging for a particular item, rather than spending gold each and every time you change that item’s appearance. When you get a gear upgrade, it doesn’t feel so bad to spend gold to be able to match that piece with the rest of your set, because you already feel good about getting the new item and looking cool again. Other options could be reducing the costs by a large factor, or just selling more appearances for gold. And finally I can imagine the upcoming Player Housing system having lots of gold-sink potential.
I really hope this feedback will make its way back to the game directors at Blizzard, and I would also like to hear your opinions on the topic.
(P.S. I’m not sure about the best place to post feedback on a particular game system, so I posted it both in general and transmog)
1k by full tmog click here
Unacceptable, I just stopped tmoging stuff because of the price + repairing
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For a game with a monthly fee I think it is a joke. Transmog is a little piece of personal fun and should not have a fee. People like to change their look but are restricted because of this. When you get some better gear it needs to be Tmogged and this can soon mount up.
Blizzard stated that they are listening to their players but with this they are not and I am not happy about it.
Soon Blizz will introduce the PREMIUM subscription that comes with various perks, where Transmogging will be free! 
No. Everything that costs money has a reason to cost. What you going to ask for next? Removal of repair costs? Removal of prices on the ah and everything is free to everyone? Go to barber shop and race change for free?
Too high costs in transmog only serves the purpose of selling tokens. It doesnt effect gameplay at all, enchant and repair costs have a meaning. They are part of the raids and dungeons and effect your performance. Transmog is just how you look and has no effect on performance. We are being punished for trying to look pleasing to ourselves. Repair is the cost of dying in a dungeon, flask and enchant is the cost of higher performance. What end does transmog costs serve? Same as barber?
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so you are telling me you cant fork out 300-500 gold to transmog ?you can easily make that gold doing 10-15 minutes of activities in the game .now if you want to hoard gold and sit on pile of gold and feel good about it .now that is a different thing.
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Roll a void elf! Transmog discount racial ftw.
you should see how much it is for one hair change on ffxiv x.x
1-1,5 minutes, as that´s half a world quest reward, and those take roughly 2 minutes each 
Therefore, If gold is a problem, then either engage with the game beyond M+ /PvP that offer little to nothing in teh way of gold rewards, or engage with your professions, or get a job and buy a token.
Why should they always be tasked to remove the few laughably small minor gold sinks that do exist, just because people are too lazy to actually play the game?
The costs are insane just to change your appearance.
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Its “all or nothing” with you…
Can we ask for reduction? Not for cost removal.
2k each repair,1k each tmog click
If you want to change everything then it’s more like 1000g. I did the anniversary event fashion thing and after it was done, had to pay to change back to my usual attire.
Normally I dont change my look almost at all, just go with the season set and change maybe one or 2 items cos of the price. Otherwise would switch mogs more often. Sure it might not seem much but if you do it often, it gets pricy. I imagine for RP players its very annoying cost.
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I agree. Not sure exactly what is the point of having any cost for transmog, let alone this high. It doesn’t provide any value, if anything it discourages creativity, and I’m not sure it plays a role as gold sink nor should it be.
I still transmog every 3 days because I’m not going to compromise on the most fun part of the game, and I don’t play PvE at a level where my money is going for min maxing anymore, but it’s still ridiculous to be robbed 1k gold when wanting to look nice.
Reduction is fair absolutely. I’m just saying wow use to be an mmorpg
Just go fully naked transmog out of protest it cost no gold, and it will look good and save you gold rather then cost gold.
I play since 2005, repairs and tmog were never be so expensive than now.
ofc its a mmorpg, but mmorpg doesnt mean = rob our pockets
if you dont buy tokens… and you dont know gold making wizardry and making… then yeah…
Changing your mog sets you back like… Several world quests in gold
But surely it’s gets to a point where your thinking is to is still wow?
Nor was it ever as easy to be Scrooge McDuck swimming on mountains of gold.
As an experiment I was down to 50k on thrall -alliance (spread across 7 toons) with an empty warbank 4 weeks ago, and by doing literally nothing but daily patron WOs and the occasional public crafting order (for on average 2573g27s4c across 10 public orders), the weekly quests, and the weekly 4 delves and raid clears, while not even touching world content outside of Meta q requirements like complete 6 world quests… and I´m already back up to over 500k.
You just have to actually play the game in a somewhat holistic fashion instead of laser focused on one thing and one thing only, and gold effectively rains from the sky for doing what feels like nothing but existing.
Because if I had actively been trying to make gold effectively, I could have gotten goldcap and then some just by way of thaumaturgy, or prospecting, or crafting insane amounts of exquitite weavercloth, or even just with Bismuth bolts and whimsical wiring that effectively cost me nothing to produce, or or or or…
That said, I wouldn´t be averse to the costs for mog and Rep being lowered, bnut removed entirely, no, absolutely not.
After all, this is not Quake where you juet respawn and act like nothing happened, in an RPG actions need to have consequences… and one to the obvious consequences of dying over and over, generally by overestimating one´s skill, is that the local smith will eventually name his next anvil after you, since you´ve spent the last 15 years singlehandedly financing his daughter’s education in Dalaran.