Dragon Soul is open for testing on the Cataclysm Classic PTR.
Please see the latest development notes here.
Thank you very much for your feedback!
Dragon Soul is open for testing on the Cataclysm Classic PTR.
Please see the latest development notes here.
Thank you very much for your feedback!
Performance doesnt look great in 25 man at least. With or without addons.
Its probably worse than the last ptr, not sure.
Are you expecting us to test your raid “Properly” with only trinkets and tier pieces from Firelands? Where is the rest, like weapons, rings, necks and the remaining off pieces smh…
After a bit of research, it looks to me from my experience in 25 man heroic Ultraxion that the damage from ‘Unstable monstrosity’ is not resistible but should be. Whilst it’s true hour of twilight shouldn’t be resistible, his ticking raid damage should be from what I can find of old clips and videos of kills by guilds of the time.
It’s making the healing challenge of the fight significantly harder than it ought to be, as not only is the flat resistance we get from raid buffs not working, Holy paladins main raid CD aura mastery isn’t doing anything either. Which was a cooldown the best guilds in the world at the time were using during the final minute zerg.
Would you be so kind as to check if this is working as intended? Perhaps I’m wrong after all, I’m just some guy and not a developer of this game.
Also the performance in the 25 man raids was horrible, at times like a slide show even for players who turned off all their addons to test if it was related to them.