Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds

All these posts about premades ruining the game and still nothing will be done. The best days of PvP was when we had templates.

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I grouped up with a friend for a evening full of Epic Random BGs, our first for the evening was Ashran, and we was quickly met with a Premade-leader used his “Join my community for more premades” macro.
I answered: “Say no to Premades”.
His premade team reported me so i got kicked. I now gotta wait for my friend to either leave or finish the Epic BG without me.
15min later we joined another one, worked fine and then the third for the evening started.
Same premade team as before, but this time they reported me inside spawn (We havnt even started yet) and i got kicked as AV gates opened.
My friend? Has done or said nothing in BG-Chat, they but share name similar name with me. Got reported non-stop through the AV and following Epic BG she tried to do without me, forcing her to enter PvP-Combat nonstop, ultimately this did not safe-guard her and she got kicked.
Is this the new meta for Epic Random BGs? Premade people reporting those who does not follow their “orders” or “agenda”?
This if anything should validate the huge problem we have with Premades in Epic Random BGs.
Speak up against them, their premade team will mock and straight up bully you or as i saw today, make you unable to do Epic Random BGs for the evening.

moral of the story,
don’t poke the bear

just enjoy the game without talking in Bg’s. if someone is a premade on my team im ok with it,
just like you are a premade group with your friend

Huge difference betwen 1-5 enjoying a BG as intended, following the rules and walking around the limits sat by Blizzard so you could queue up with 15-30people.

Moral of the story:
Dont bend rules sat by the creators.
Enjoy the Epic BGs as they are intended to be, Epic.

Nothing is more boring than a joining a Premade, either on your side or theirs.
Your team wins so big there is no challenge or you lose so hard your whole team (and theirs) will just stand there waiting for it to be over which often takes a while for the others to realize.
Say no to Premades in all Random BGs

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Five years! Five years ago this post was made and within minutes people were giving feedback on how bad the premades were and still are. Each blue reply we got was completely ignoring everyone yelling about premades. This absolutely ridiculous


I’d like the whole group thing removed from EBG entirely just have it as 1 group of 40 people. Why? because if 4 of your group leaves the second the 4th leaves you also get booted meaning all time is lost with no rewards. Happened to me on my first ebg in months as normal game content has got me bored, wont be going back to ebg and il just wait until next expansion comes out burn through that in 6 months and wont bother returning. Honestly about premades they always going to exist blizz don’t care

Thanks for the try to make them a better experience. Maybe I have a chance to get answers for other questions related to Epic BGs and BGs in general.

  1. Why do Epic BGs start without a healer (queues are around 4 min).
  2. Why are we forced to play epic BGs we would rather not play? Potentially there is a reason why people don’t want to play them. So maybe remove those, people don’t want to play? Or you could do different Epic BGs each Season with maybe Alterac every Season.
  3. Why are so many premades in Epic BGs. With a lose rate around 80%. Why do randoms need to suffer because premades don’t get matches with other premades 

  4. Blitz Brawl is the 10x better experience. Why do all the things that don’t work in Random Bgs work there? And yes, I’m happy with 8 min queues.

I would really love to get answers on those topics because if I look at Blitz Brawl it looks like Blizzard does know those problems.

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What do we have here, one who joins the Zeni and company teams, your opinion about EBG is ruled out.

hello, I wait now 1 hour 41 mintues to go in AV and I’m still just wait wait
 like every days. How can I go in?

On this lvl30 warlock?

Epic bg’s arent populated until u get to max lvl im afraid.

just get rid of pre mades !!! give them own q as if you have xp off


Delete Ashran instead :smiley:

small indie company, what are your expactations

Either remove syncing or add so raids can que up for epic bgs.
Its pretty much the same thing.
2x 5man groups is 10man raid.
3x 5man groups is 15man raid. Etc.

You said 1 thing during 2012. Then you made the choice to remove the ability to que up as a raid for Ashran saying its unfair advantage but at the same time allowing syncing which is the same kind of unfair advantage.
Then you contradict that by saying 2019 its perfectly fine to sync as a community to do the exact same thing you tried to remove before.

Can blizzard please tell us what you truly want normal bgs and epic bgs to be in the end?
What is your ideology with it?
Do you want randoms to keep facing sync premades?
You cant keep going back and forth with your choices on what you want casual PvP to be.

Make a full statement and why you decided to make that statement and how you want it to be moving forward.
So casuals can finally decide if its really worth the frustration that comes with it.


Premades, premades everywhere.

Glad I’m a rogue so I can just leech in stealth.


Another weekend with epic’s plagues with premades, both sides.

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I know this thread is specifically for feedback on Epic Battlegrounds, but I have some feedback regarding Random Battlegrounds & Random Epic Battlegrounds as a whole. And since there’s no other way to reliably leave feedback, this is the way.

I would like both of them to receive an update and an overhaul.

  • In Battleground Blitz as a brawl there was a scaling. It wasn’t big by any means, you still required PvP gear. But the difference between Honor and Conquest gear was a lot less in BG Blitz Brawl. I would really like to see this type of scaling for Random Battlegrounds & Random Epic Battlegrounds as a whole to introduce a more beginner friendly and casual enviroment to PvP in.
  • It would be nice if like stated above, there’d be an ilvl cap for Random (Epic) Battlegrounds, meaning that if you’re full conquest you’re scaled down a bit to minimize the difference between those with honor gear, facilitating a more casual friendly, beginner friendly experience.
  • I would love to see a Battleground Blitz variant for non-rated. So exactly like Battleground Blitz, with the buffs, mount speed, etc. but non-rated. Either to replace Random Battlegrounds entirely, or as an addition. It would also be nice to offer a variant of BG Blitz for Epic Battlegrounds so that people have a way to avoid the premades.
  • It would be nice if Blizzard dedicated an Adventurer Journal page to the different battlegrounds, what their objectives are, etc. It would also be nice to find somewhere on those pages what classes do what on specific maps, like in League of Legends with Legends. That way, new players can read in on that and know what to do.
  • If Adventurer Journal wouldn’t work or perhaps in combination with the adventurers journal; a new loading screen explaining all the tactics would suffice like in Star Wars the Old Republic; there you get a loading screen explaining what to do in a battleground. And in order to give you enough time to read it all, you have to press spacebar in order to exit the loading screen.
  • It would be pleasant if Blizzard created a level 10-70 PvP bracket for leveling battlegrounds. The difference in gear and levels could be neglected by giving players a preset of gear and stats in Instanced PvP just like they are doing in Guild Wars 2, allowing players to actually level through doing battlegrounds. Right now, this is difficult to due to queue times.

TLDR; Make PvP more casual and beginner friendly now that rated PvP has been given some attention with solo shuffle and battleground blitz.

Regarding the changes listed above; I think increasing health of walls and the damage of siege engines is good. They all felt too weak and the battles were over way too fast.

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Surely if they are meant to be a thing people do, you should be able to queue them with a full group. If its not intended surely the addons making this possible shouldnt be allowed right?

How are we in this situation for the umpteenth season in a row where everyone and their mother knows how to break the system to get an adventage over anyone playing the game normally.

There’s also so many easy fixes. Make bgs not be faction locked. Always start 2 bgs at a time instead of one. Force people on different bgs if they’ve been in same bgs multiple times in a row and are not in a group. Yeah these make queues longer but so does people not wanting to play.

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Currently, epic BGs get extremely (unplayable) laggy. Some said this is due to mages ice wall, this I can’t confirm, but something needs to be done.