Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds

Not just ashran, go into any epic bg and everyone complaining about the 10 second cast times, Blizz seriously need to look at this

I returned 1½ week ago. Huge changes has happened since I stopped my sub 10-12 months ago.

Mixed raids in epics is great. Finally!

Alterac Valley has become a true race to the final boss. I don’t see much real pvp anymore. The advantage is that is has become a quick bg.

Isle of Conquest still have some serious issues especially with the hangar. The faction who wins the workshop from start have to send demos to hangar and bomb the flag at the workshop. So basically if you win workshop from start you have almost won the bg.
Ally can bomb hangar from the ship.
Suggestion: give glaives more hp. They break way too easy. Faster spawntime. And maybe one more glaive. This could be a nice counterweight when the other faction controls workshop and hangar.


Or give glaives a melee range spell like the cata spell in wintergrasp

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The division into epic bg’s didn’t solve the issue with blacklisting because none of my blacklisted bg’s were epic ones.

(Reposting this with my Main that plays Epic Battlegrounds)
I am fairly new to Battlegrounds. Still can’t stay quiet looking at things.

I started doing epic BGs from BFA season 4. I see the way alliance groups are formed makes them completely helpless against the Hordes.

We get a 40 player group without a single tank in Ashran!

We get a 40 Player group without a single healer or a single tank in “Capture the flag” mode.

Why do you have a system that creates such groups?

This is so frustrating to a player playing it for 40 minutes and knowing they will never have a fair chance to win.

I have stopped participating in 10 player battleground and brawls just because of this.

And there you put up a purple star saying"Your faction needs more soldiers".

Why do you not realise the reason is “unfairness in group formation”.

Hope you understand and take notice of this.

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Isle of Conquest

The new sort is Hangar. Ally gets there 3-4 secs before horde when IoC has started. Fighting on the hilly road to hangar is impossible and is a choke point.
The outcome is predictable.

Docks: Give glaives more health (2-4 dots nukes them down - literally), faster spawn time and an extra glaive.

From horde’s point: It’s nearly impossible to cap Hangar from ally as long as you can defend Hangar from the ship.

Ashran light

This fight is all about having more healers than the opposing faction. The front line buff (100% more health/50% more healing received) to all melees is like hitting a solid concrete wall if one team has 2 healers and the other team has 7-8 healers. The team with less healers will be pushed back slowly.
The outcome is predictable.

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First of all thanks for deleting my post!

Ashran is the worst BG ever! Spent 1 hour in that “battleground”, we won all the battles, killed enemy mage, killed Inferno, got Artifact, killed Ogre and we still lost the BG bc enemy was sitting in the base and defending general with insane amount and stron NPC. We couldnt nuke the general but lost too many ppl in the fight so we lost due to we lost all our reinforcment points. It makes no sense how a loosing team can actually sti in the base and win the game without any effort at all. This is BAD AND ANNOYING!!! FIX THIS BG!!! Add a stacking dmg taken increase to the generals or add a respawn timer to the mages, or WHATEVER. But this is NOT FUN AT ALL.

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In new ASHRAN mage on tower respawn, please fix this. In game that we lose 143 to 78, we manage to go 62 to 38 and then mage respawn and we lose.

Please add the side events to Ashran again. It’s impossible to kill 5k players outside the main road for the achievement because there’s almost zero incentive to go outside the main road.


So far I am mostly satisfied with epic BGs…

My suggestions are:

  • Ignore feedback-demands to make Epic BGs shorter. Epic BGs should be EPIC… If they want a faster experience they can always try the normal BGs or the arenas. As a person who absolute LOVES long BGs it would seem unfair to lose the only thing that satisfies my need for long and epic BGs.
  • A lot people leave way too easily. Try to make the punishment for leaving a bit more severe. Or give them more incentives to stay even if they lose.
  • Make afk auto-kick stricter… Even if you guard an area, you should be moving or acting in some ways.
  • Ignore feedback which is basically complaints about “russian premades” and whatnot… If people find premades so effective they should start making premade groups themselves. Community should be more socially active in an MMO… The devs should encourage premades. Not take actions against them.
  • Alterac Valley has ALMOST become a “rush the boss” race again. Please fix this before it is too late. Also, I am glad to see that summoning and upgrading are easier and more viable now. However, I would love to see the same treatment about other objectives as well. Like gatheting resources from the mines, calling an airstrike (you could also modify the airstrike a bit by giving the players some limited control over where it will take place), and calling the cavalry… Make it last longer… This Alterac Valley after all.
  • Wintergrasp losing teams need a chance to comeback. So far I witnessed many snowballings with the winning teams just making a demo parade around the map (if they are defenders) and leaving nothing alive in their path and the attackers performing an unstoppable demo rush… The defenders need more effective/varied structural defenses while having limited access to demos and siege machines.
  • Ashran needs more effective side quests… So far, pushing in the middle of the Road is a no-brainer. A please add a good buff to the Alliance side as well… So far, the easy access to the flowers that Hordes have is unfair.
  • I think that would be all for now…


In general - since the group composition isn’t enforced by the sign-ups (AV without tanks, Ashran without healers), there is no reason to not allow players to change their specs once in. If it doesn’t matter, then it doesn’t matter. And if it does, then you need to enforce the raid comps. And it’s ok to have a 10v10 with both sides not having healers at all and all dps. So long as it is balanced.

Ashran - This was fun with all the side quests. Right now it’s just who has more range and mainly healers. Split this into two separate battlegrounds. One with the tasks and side quests. An on-going battle, and every time you join, you need to do different achievements. We can also have different assignments. So to win you need the Burial+Mine, and the next time you need 100 kills and the race.

Wintergrasp - it’s almost impossible to “regroup” once it starts snowballing out of control. Especially when you can join a bg with 0-24 vehicles in favor of the defenders. The two bottom workshops should always be for the attackers. So you can have 8-16 vehicles. And fighting for control over Broken and Sunken workshops gives you the advantage of 4-8 vehicles. And there should be more structures for both offense and defense to destroy. Perhaps destroying them for the attackers unlocks the siege tanks. And give them bonus damage vs walls. So they are harder to get, but they can take down walls more quickly. And give catapult fire damage bonus damage vs siege to take out other siege vehicles. So we don’t always see 24 demos out there.

Alterac valley - revamp all of the quests. Getting the riders, Ivus, armor buffs. All these used to mean something and really affect the push for both offense and defense. Make the riders at least easier to get. So there is more to do.

Make an open world map bg - an open world battle ground in which the map is a random zone from the world. Or open world fighting zones. Like the the special bg around Tarren mill and Southshore. This can be extended to more maps. You don’t really need to do anything special. Just allow 40vs40 in different maps. Like Silithus open world. Or fight in SW or the Undercity. It just requires a random map and two spawn points with gy’s and guards.

Will be much better if you’ll return normal PvP system at all. PvP Vendors, PvP gear… not all of what we have now.

Isle of Conquest can easily be called Isle of Alliance. This map favors alliance in so many ways that it makes it VERY hard for horde to win except if overgeared.

  1. The alliance ship pathing or cannon range and angle of both ships must be fixed. Alliance ship cannons can shoot on the Hangar flag, can shoot on the slope and sometimes even on the Workshop flag.

  2. When the battle starts the horde is ALWAYS on the slope while the alliance is near the flag. This is very unfair, because the alliance ranged DPS players can sit on the edge while their healers are far away LoS from the Horde players, while Horde healers have to run melee range if they want to actually do something.

Battle of Wintergrasp is completely broken. People don’t want to do objectives(workshops) because you lose honor by not being in the “big battle”.


sooo are we just gonna ignore the classes ?? like
Feral Druids / Balance Druids
Shadow Priest
Retri Paladin
Sub Rogue
I think the BG maps are not the issue here.
in my opinion i think the classes are not balanced at all and that makes pvp horrible.

In Wintergrasp alliance is mostly attacking. Please fix this. Defenders are stronger and it’s becoming a 45 minutes of nothingness.


Wintergrasp is insanely unbalanced. Defense almost always wins. Please nerf the walls and the towers.


I’m just going to come out and say it:

“Epic” battlegrounds are an absolute stain on PvP. They’re PvE objectives on huge maps, in which it is impossible to work together as a team and play objectively. 40 people (20 of which are typically AFK) will not work together towards a common objective, it’s as simple as that.

Thing is, BGs are important again, and daily wins are also important to gear your character up. I almost deleted my SPriest today through pure rage at spending literally hours in “epic” BGs, and not winning a single game.

When I hear “Epic Battlegrounds,” I think of the likes of WSG or Gilneas but on a massive scale, not some massive map with PvE objectives and Demos (whotf thought 1-shot tanks in their multitudes was a good idea for PvP?!)

I wanna see a 7/9 flag domination map, or a bigger version of WSG in which there are 2 flags to take. This raid garbage is honestly the most depressing, exhausting experience and it needs to be dealt with.

Blizz, you’ve got people interested in BGs again, so capitalise on that! Make a new BG or two, and a new Epic BG that is PVP FOCUSED.

I feel like I’ve ranted a lot, but today’s PvP experience has rendered me apoplectic and feeling like I need to vent. I know I could just “not queue epics” but the honour gains are necessary for gearing.


Wrong Thread dude.

Hordes why so long waiting bgs? My ally char 1 min avarege waiting. Horde char 5-10 min?