Feedback: Island Expeditions

abuse of voting mechanic is getting worse,
maybe an account-wide cooldown to initiate a vote could people get to rethink their use of it.

whats good:
diversity raised,
level of challenge is quite fair
loot quantity is good
npc-ai of opposite team is nice, but their neverending shouting is quite annoying. they jump around like people to do in arena, make somewhat smart use of their abilities but their vocal spam is annoying. we can’t spam audio in pvp.

It’s pretty woeful when you have to for the player base for ideas. I hope the ideas you’re going to take from this, you give credit to the people that you take them from. Because you won’t be paying people!

One last thing i forgot to add
It would be nice to queue from anywhere just like dungeons


How have the changes felt?
Lower weekly cap and a map was a surprise and a nice touch.

Gameplay-wise, things went from bad to worse.

Have things improved?
TL;DR - No.

The biggest failures are still there.

  1. You designed “exploration content” without exploration. Mob density and double timer ensures NOBODY gives a CRAP about checking out what’s there. And all mobs got snares and slows, and idiotic amounts of HP. Running islands ALWAYS devolves into zombie-like, BORING, sloggy morass.

  2. You STILL tolerate abuse. I’m at a point where I don’t give a jack if I get kicked out by some morons, sometimes even right at the second I get off loadscreen. But I DO bloody care when the pants-on-head retards add insult to injury and saddle me with 30-minute deserter debuff that prevents me from doing literally any other queueable content, which just screams “log off and never return”.

  3. Class abuse. In Pandaria scenarios, having a healer in the trio meant the other two can be a bit more careless about avaiding taking damage. The same applied when there was tank, and both meant megapull and then slowly grinding the mobs down. It required adjusting the play to who you happened to run with, and made scenarios more interesting. Now, you’ve succeeded in making even some DPS unwanted. Healer? Kicked on loadscreen. Warlock? Kicked, no aggro break (Mage can invis, Rogue can vanish, Hunter can feign) not to mention no baseline interrupt. Tank? Completely useless, as you can’t make bigger pulls - all mobs have mechanics that ensure being a tank is only a drag on the group.

  4. You broke all the classes that I play, heaped HP on mobs, and still decided to demand PACE by placing double timer. AI opponents DON’T belong in exploration, as they change “expedition” into a “race”. The tuning is so tight, a group that tries to explore a bit or play more cautiously will always end up loosing. Suggesting we run to kill a rare somewhere, or go find a portal, is met with a kick or “mine more nodes”. And you’ve added more of those, too.

  5. Running islands COSTS me gold. Since times immemorial, the rule of the game was to “venture into the world, kill the bad guys, and loot their cold, dead corpses”. You REMOVED that. Even if I go in with my guildies, there will be some repair bill to cover, and there’s zero reward to cover that.

Has anything gotten worse?
TL;DR - Yes.

  1. Class abuse has gotten even worse.

  2. Exploring is still the WORST idea; everyone just wants to mine nodes and kill things as fast as possible.

  3. AI is now openly cheating. CC on opponents has like no cooldown, they can lock players out for minutes on end - and they zombie zerg us once we get to full residue. In desperation, we found out it’s actually easier to just megapull and die to mobs at 200ish to clear residue, or the freaking AI will just keep coming until it gets us killed.

  4. Loot was removed completely.

  5. New Dubloon Vendor completely killed the islands vendors on the ships… not like anyone used anything other than that siege vehicle, those items hardly ever felt like they actually did anything. You should have just give us some gold off mobs, and make those items on island vendors cost gold.

What rewards have you been getting?
Loot? You mean the loot was NOT removed completely and moved to a vendor with a currency that no longer drops?

I am getting hardly any loot on the toons that I take for a weekly cap spin. I had no time before 22nd, so I don’t know what happened there, after that date I am seeing significantly less dubloons, quest and mog items than before.


Much was said here. The grind is unreal. I ran so many expeditions (but not as many as others here) and I feel like that by this time I should be having most of the rewards. But no, I only got pets, some of them twice or triple, some transmog but no toys and no mounts which are the main reason I am running IE.
The requirement of 1 500 doubloons for 2 mounts is quite ridiculous and only proofs that blizzard still tries to push expeditions by force as main expansion feature and thinks that it should be the main “time spender”.

I don’t explicitly hate expeditions, but I don’t feel like I am progressing on the goals I set for myself, which are mounts and toys. This system is demotivating and eats a lot of time. IE are not as fun as the creators think.

Regarding the mechanics. The vrykul fog is really, REALLY crappy. I vote for removal of that and other similar annoyances such as kickbacks from elementals which are a pain for casters.


The share lack of dubloons dropping is just pure arrogance by you guys 1,500 for 2 mounts and over the course of 5 heroic runs you get 6 and thats with the trait from the ship to get “extra dubloons”

The RnG and Grind ingame has got worse do you really expect to keep players ?


Also consider a meta-game on top of the islands. Change the weekly fill-the-bar to chart-the-map like this:

Clicking the table displays a map with randomized unexplored islands on it. Some of them mythic, some of them heroic, some normal. The player can see how much azerite the islands yield, what enemies they will encounter and choose where to go.

Just the above yields the same result as the current UI but the exploration element is more tangible. Now consider how you can build on this:

On a timer (daily?) new islands will appear. Some yield more azerite than others. Some are likely to include a special rare the player wanted to farm for some mount/toy etc.

The player should always be on the lookout for these as they appear and disappear. A well-spotted island can award enough azerite to be almost done for the entire week. Some rare islands can only be explored by the first crew on the realm that gets there. Achievements/titles for being quick enough to spot and finish these would provide some additional interest outside of toys/pets/mounts/ap.

Getting us to at least want to check if a lucrative island is up would be a wise step towards player engagement in this feature I’d say.

стало намного хуже появились много раздражающих факторов аж играть не хочется
1 это при замедлении ты не замедляешься а переходишь на ходьбу ну что за бред
2 острова паки с азеритовыми крабами если в пати нет человека с диспелов можно бесконечно бить их
3 не могу с маунтами пробегать под проходами в городе баралус нада обязательно спешится потом обратно на маунта бесит
4 самое худщее что вы сделали в игре кулдауны я играю как будто отсталый человек
5 петы везде застревают в рейдах в подземельях особенно баралус ласт босс
6 соратники в жопу ихи толку нет никакого можно смело удолять из игры
7 мы сервер пвп на любом квесте перед каждым инстом рейдом одни орки альян в пве режиме качается в пвп сервере уберите эту хрень
8 фронты отстой 1 раз можно но потом терять 20-30 минут времени чтоб получить 15 монет нетуж спс
9 игроков все меньше и меньше уходят в оф статики разваливаются набирать новых очень трудно просто не из кого чат только в поисках играков
10 худщий рейд в моей памяти ульдир на равне с изумудрудный кошмар рейд под определенный классы если их нет босс становится в разы сложнее роги на зуле локи на гуне и тд.
11 и ище много чего

I tried Blizz, I really did.
The way I saw it when you announced the Islands Expeditions, was a big Pinata and a giant stick and I was thrilled to give it a try.

So I grabbed my giant stick and joined the IE, and and slapped that Pinata, I hit as hard as I could, but it wouldn’t crack and nothing would come out of it.
Tried after tried, that stick became heavier and heavier, and there was still nothing dropping from that pinata, so one morning with arms sore, I decided to give up. Because i’ll tell you a secret Blizzard, rewards are meant to be earnt, loot are meant to drop, otherwise they are just lies.

So there I hand you back you big stick and your pinata, hope you have more use of them than me, because i’m done ^^


Well, now I get lots of trash instead of nothing. But still no mounts/toys, ESPECIALLY toys. For the last 2 days did about 250 islands - no mount or toy, just all the time the same pets pets pets… Got new dragon after launch 8.1. Next week was kind of bug? - no loot at all. Trying to get all mounts is really hard job. All I do in game is IE only, cause its only 1 place, where I cant farm smth with lots of alts. Hope to see same system as in tw dungeons - vendor with items related to the invasion week. Or mb the new system of growing chance to get mounts. Otherwise this farm looks like a joke, 1400 runs for 3 mounts, 6 more to get. They are not so good to farm so much, just a collectors interest, nothing more.

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Personally, I feel the changes made the expeditions a better experience then it was. Now I have motivation to complete the weekly cap for treasure maps. I see no reason for visiting it more than weekly cap. It’s not a measure of skill, tactics, achievement or anything else except the pets and mounts which are not interesting for me.

Yes. Number of events is significant for me. I feel every expedition (4-5 one time runs once in a week) as a different experience so I don’t get bored.

Treasure map is a good thing which creates a good motivation for a weekly run and gives a companion at least one mission that really satisfying the use of the BFA garrison system overall.

Quest improvements are really cool, now we have clear understanding of the objectives instead of “Help that buddy by doing smth!”. I feel it smth alike the Diablo 3 scenarios like “The Cursed Chest”.

Some things just left as they were. Bad AI and boring competition with the opponent fraction. Trash consumable items from vendors (not all, just some).

The improvements you’ve made made some things worse. For example - there is some chaos in decision making and mob grinding. Now there are a lot of different mobs, effects, splashes, deadly zones. I can’t really feel that I’m doing some rotation or doing some utility stuff - I’m pushing buttons things to survive and spam randomly at different mobs without feeling that i’m playing a Priest or Mage.

And still I have no motivation to farm it instead of doing for ex. a Daily quests or Myth+ runs. The amount of azerite that is given through the quests is much higher than expeditions provide.

Pouches, transmog items (got 1 with 9 runs), treasure maps and azerite bonuses.

Sorry for my bad english. Thank you for asking the feedback.
Good luck.

What i would like to also see is actual exploring in expeditions . Right now it kind of feels like a Diablo rift where you just grind. It would be fun if you could explore the island , the statues,buildings,caves dealing with huge cave systems or puzzles instead of only farming mobs ^^


I haven’t done many of them since 8.1 yet, but the ones I did surely felt better. Especially more freedom in pathing. But isn’t it about time that you can simply que for mythic difficulty without premade groups? It’s barely possible to find a group and the time it takes to form one is longer than finishing an entire heroic run

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I am here just for the cosmetics especially the mounts
The drop rate is beyond stupid i have done 1000’s of these without seeing a single one.

My thinking is that Blizz is happy with this the way it is they keep us farming the islands with a carrot on a stick. Keep the drop rates stupidly low and let the poor b*stards keep farming, makes the figures look good.

Nice to ask for feedback but i dont expect the mount chances to change at all.

All we will probably get is “we are happy with the way they work”


You need to either greatly increase the drop chance on loot, or you need to put all items on the vendor and up the Dubloon drop rate.

  • How have the changes felt?

The changes themselves are great - not having to kill specific mobs that you hope spawn for a chance at loot while the scenario is almost over is good.

  • Has anything gotten worse?

The amount of loot was greatly increased with 8.1 - then you made a hotfix to prevent AFK farming and you also greatly reduced the loot chances (seemingly) again. That’s terrible.

  • What rewards have you been getting?

Nothing. The low drop chance, the RNG and the lack of targeting (vendor) makes IE a massive, terrible chore to do as a collector.

The fact that I can do 30-50 IEs across my characters every week and get one pet or a handful of dubloons is sad.

Please introduce a vendor that holds all items and up the dubloons drop rates.


I will speak from the perspective of the person who did a lot of them before and after the patch.

In general, the changes have made the islands much more pleasant to play , they are much more dynamic, much more happens on them and people do not fall asleep after doing one. In addition peoples now have some purpose to make them because of the award in the form of a map.

As for the prizes, unfortunately, it is still really, REALLY bad. I understand that those are random drops but chance for mount or toy is so low that most people couldn’t even see a single mount even if They played thousands of islands.

Vendor on the island with boosters has become probably useless because people don’t want to spend doublons on them until they have a mount.

Please increase the drop rate or change this system!


I think this guy(Ishayu) exolains it pretty well in my case too. The islands feel very disconnected to the world, so for future content of a similar sort, please keep that in mind.

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A lot of thing I would say someone else has already said so I will not repeat it.

I only do the 4 needed for my treasure bar.

The expedition does NOT feel “expeditiony” AT ALL, and treasures? NOPE… It’s just a killfest, no exploring, no adventure, nothing interesting in there except kill mobs, free some npc.

The stuff lying around like fish, or fruit … I never use them , I actually never know what they actually do , most stuff I know has a downside so why would I ever use it?

Some mobs never ever drop aggro. I am a healer if the dps decide not to these stationary worms for instance I often stay in combat through the whole isle, without ever being able to mount up…

Mob abilities… enough said by other ppl on US and prolly here…

Cosmetic rewards were intorduced in MoP I think but are EXTREMEly rarely used, WHY?

Rewards are too scarce, also pls remove that stupid win screen with a spash what I actually got from the isle because often I find an item or pet in my inventory without realising I actually got anything other than a coin satchel… also why a satchel at all, need to click it each time and there are only coins in it anyways… so just give us the coins directly? Sometimes only getting AP is also not fun.

I never have any incentive to go mythic… when mobs in heroic already can kill me in like 2 hits as a healer of 375 ilvl…

Visuals on mob abilities are awful to see most of the time.


Thank you for all the feedback. :slight_smile: There’s a lot to sort through here but I can already see some quite frequently raised points. We’ll collate this all and pass it along. Thanks again!