Yep, I had the same problem, there wasn’t far enough of us to counter the Alliance zerg where I was, I can confirm.
I had the opposite problem, way too many of them.
Yep, I had the same problem, there wasn’t far enough of us to counter the Alliance zerg where I was, I can confirm.
I had the opposite problem, way too many of them.
Did they buff DK’s? i attacked a DK who had less than 30% of his HP, i did 0% Damage on him he actually had more health regain than my dots did damage
DK has had some buffs to their abilities, Frost and especially Unholy which I think got the most buffs out of the two
On a side note: It’s utterly stupid that the debuff for the ‘Battle of Nazjatar’-event only goes down if you’re online. But, everything for that sweet playtime, huh Blizzard?
RP realms are broken. We’re dominated by the Alliance in here. We can’t be sharded with other realms because sharding works different for us.
I was watching Taliesin yesterday. He was playing his Alliance character and was in a shard without a single Horde player. Later on he managed to switch shard to mine. We had like 5 Horde players and a swarm of the Alliance. They farmed us at our base camp.
I’ve done two on those battles by now. Each of them ended about 3000:300 for the Alliance. I was lucky because each time I was able to kill one (and only one) enemy, so at least I got some reward for participating.
My first experience in Nazjatar: 4 bounty walking around nazjatar, all of them in different places,our camp ganked,destroyed,our guards weak(why they can’t hit harder?) 1 ally for 10 hordes,barely can do anything this is so bad, ally are leaving Nazjathar as wpvp and the place is like Argus(bad ) but that’s it,dunno why isn’t bigger and more interesting as place all so dark.
First pvp event: kinda dead on both sides. Ally won but time ran out before anyone reached 2500+. Wasn’t that exciting. Most time was spend running to flags and standing there for 5 min with 2 or 3 other people. Again your experience will heavily rely on whatever shard you happen to be in. Not a good thing.
if the hubvs were more secure logged on thru portal got insta ganked by 30-40 hordes , our server is horde dominated , im fine with ganking but corpse camping , i dislike since it’s an annoying part , me and guild amtes flew to one point took it then 10 hordes attacked each time we took over 1 flag haha , but seriusly more guards with harder hitting would be better since it should not be so easy to gank “spawn”
After 4 battles I will take the cowards way, after 4 like 300 - 3000 shards I will premade this…
Wasn’t me I stayed in ghost till I could escape and moved away. The last was this bad balance wise. Great… It’s sad it already turned into join a pre-made by sharding to a server witg few Horde or lose. And vcie versa. Why can’t people just stay on the shard FFS. The balance is quite okay till the event begins.
This is my brief exp of WM in Nazjtar
So first battle in Nazj.Capped flags,no enemy in sight so no rewards.
Eventually ,some battles later enemy appeared ,my faction won and I was given a %( of the rewards(3 badges in this case).Received debuff which wore off in time for another battle later on.
Again capped flags, killed a few enemy expected a reward but received none.
So how I see it,is, you only get 1 reward a day from battles in Nazj(If I’m wrong plz correct me) and with the low amount of WQ’s in Nazj you might as well turn off WM as soon as you have won a battle, because after that its not worth it,just quest in peace with only the NPCs to worry about.
Spent the entire time outnumbered by Horde, which as a Blood DK is actually not too bad, but I’ll be turning War Mode off most of the time, because 40v1 is just ridiculous. It’s pointless because the few 1v1 or 1v3 fights that are “fair” end up with them just running away. Trust me if I was on Horde, I’d be tagging alliance players to get credit too, but it’s not exactly compelling gameplay.
There needs to be buffs on whichever side has lower numbers.
I don’t need to kill any hordies, the shard took em all
Ok so based on all this
Players either
1.Have way too many opposite faction players/not enough of theirs in Nazjatar
2.Have no opposite faction players at all
I think this is the most important feedback since apart from targetting Ankoans I think the gameplay is mostly fine.
I know Blizzard wanted to try their sharding/phasing out but I think most players don’t enjoy it and would prefer for it to be removed or replaced by different system.
Thanks for confirming my decision of not turning on warmode in Nazjatar. 75% horde / 25% alliance on my realm (RIO stats).
On the positive side, I can now easily complete my AAO quest in Kul Tiras / Zandalar, because most people moved to new zones. Horde players are absolute trash when not outnumbering Alliance 3 to 1.
0/10 opted wm on, clicked on portal to nazjatar, dead before game loaded. 50 horde + 50 guards camping our starting zone. As expected. I wouldnt give a fook if there werent reputation and manapearls for winning and participating in the event…another fkin stupid bullsh!it for free to feed up horde crybabies.
edit: Same goes for mechagon…who tf decided to male one shared town. This place isnt even a option to turn on wm for ali…if guards oneshotted those fks it would be bearable as long as u staynin the city… yikes.
Realm faction balance is not related to war mode shard faction balance.
Just completed another battle in Nazjatar now, seemed “ok” in the start, alliance had 2 flags, horde had 2 flags, then horde swarmed everything and had several raids running around, tried to cap a point alone, then suddenly 10-20 hordes in a raid comes running… Gave up on trying to fight for this pvp event, but even Mezzamere, alliance main camp in Nazjatar had a more or less full horde raid inside it…
Cited it to show a trend.
Shards are just broken. They should work like this:
-Localized to single zone (Nazjatar for example)
-Fill up with horde and alliance equally
-Overflow of one fraction lands in empty shard - they see no enemies. This causes only one small problem - they are excluded from PvP event, but on the other hand they can enjoy their free 10% bonus. Seems fair enough.
Ok, I did two more.
Each time I joined a group that was on a different shard. Won easily each one.
During the first onem the main problem was finding an enemy to kill. There were barely any.
During the second one, I had no idea. I was running without seeing anyone but suddenly I got the kill without seeing anyone.
Too bad I can’t play on my own shard without being farmed by a sea of Alliance players.
Playing on Draenor, like 20 alliance players in the zone and over 80 horde ones roaming around looking for kills.
I loved warmode in early expansion but now there are groups just camping dailies and WQ’s.