One place to post all good or bad about World PvP in Nazjatar, what you like and don’t like about it.
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Thread for Mechagon feedback → [Feedback] Mechagon WPvP thread
Camped some hordes. Got overrun by hordes. Called guildies. Camped the ones that killed us.
10/10 was fun.
German non-RP realms are as follows: impossible to win the PvP event.
you either get lucky and are sharded in a winning shard or get shafted and suffer in a losing one
No matter the sharding, it’s really bad on German realms. 20% AoO bonus aswell…
The good is that you’re clustered pretty tight together with the camps, so pvp battles and quest are quite good for a zerg tug of war.
The bad, you won’t find many players because the daily rep grinds are short af and there’s nothing else to do. What could have been done to remedy this was to structure the zone with rares and world bosses with rewards for pvp, pve and exploring - Like the timeless isle.
There was no shortage of food for world pvp at that place. A lot of people still go there for bloody coins, Shaohao rep and rare drops.
What I would have liked to see is something more done with pvp. Like having quests, kills and objectives tied to a rep for either a new or old faction. For example have it tied to any of the factions required for flying.
You could have the zone as a “soft” pvp zone akin to wintergrasp, but without the vehicle combat and no lockout. Hell, bring “bloody coins” back. Like, any extra content would serve world pvp immensely.
Edit: Sharding ruins the experience of pvp there. I get why it’s necessary. But being dropped into a near empty shard is not fun.
Sharding was really bad. PVP event came up in Nazjatar and horde got all points within 1 min. we then had to camp 1 alliance guy for the WQ to be completed because there were no other alliance. I feel bad for that guy.
Well the fact that they at least added some PvP activities is already a step in the right direction (a reason to turn on wm…besides the 10-20% bonus).
Sure there is the sharding and other issues…
But at least its better than nothing…right?
Definitely. Now they just need to more agressively balance sharding and tone down people phasing in and out.
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Just won it without seeing a single alliance, They only got 6 points and i didn’t get a reward because i couldn’t find a single person.
Me and two other randoms just walked into the Alliance hub and endlessly killed there guards for 10 minutes until we got bored and left.
What the hell is going on here?
was good, many allys to gank!
barely had time to do the quests for all allys running around
also no reward for winning the event thing with all bases! wtf??![:rofl: :rofl:](")
![:rofl: :rofl:](")
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I have yet to see a horde in my shard (war mode on) in Nazjatar
Did couple of pvp events there and no hordes, no rewards at all. Even no achievement for winning the event. Come on blizzard fix your stuff.
no horde?
maybe it was bugged?
i got achive for winning event but no rewards.
80/160-3000 for Horde. That’s my experience.
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You have 99% chance face random horde gankers or ganking groups. Maps are too small for this huge of an faction imbalance.
1-2 alliance vs 10 horde all the time. No matter if you have 420ilvl atm. All the horde play shaman or warlock and have also 420 gear. When they feel threat they just run and 100% chance there is one horde that comes to help. But hey thats what you want blizzard right?
Yesterday on RP-realms it acutally was the exact opposite. Alliance was winning 10k/160 and there were like no horde players. I actually switched off war mode for the first time in this expansion because all the alliance were desperate to kill one horde for the world quest. And it was acutally unplayable.
Edit: And they even get AOO despite them having more players.
Haven’t seen a single Alliance yet in Nazjatar with WM on :/, during 2 pvp events no alliance either.
Please stop classyfing Ancoans as players, whenever I try to target player with my “target enemy PLAYER key” it targets ankoans at first, it is really annoying, please fix asap
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Hmm, I was on last night and got ganked repeatedly by a group of Allies all over Naz. I don’t mind the ganking, it’s part of the game. I couldn’t help but wonder though, where the hell were all of the Horde toons? Reading the forums you would swear it impossible to have more Allies than Horde.
Lterally cant do the event since theres no alliance to kill. Fix phasing or remove that stupid debuff that stops you from getting rewards.