Feedback on Blood elf customization

:x: for doubt

It’s very clearly intended to go with the Heritage armor and as a Blood Elf player yourself I think you’re aware of just how “unique” the color scheme in that particular set is.

But experimenting with it in the dressing room should give you a better idea of just how difficult it is to find matching pieces.

I have seen Blood elves customization. Honestly, I think Human customizations look better than Blood elves ones.
Probably Blizzard will to implement a few more, if not I would be disappointed.

However, I love the new short haircut.
The new black hair looks nice too; I’d use them on my character, DK white skin with that hair color and style fits.

As for the jewelry, not really my thing.
Those chokers for Humans look really nice tho… It’d be interesting if they add something similar for Blood elves (doubt it).

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