Pretty much what it says in the title. Even if we ignore the fact that there have been dev posts in the past about wanting Fury players in general to be playing Bloodthirst and Raging Blow at the same time, the fact that you made each hero tree emphasise only one but the wrong one needs to be reverted or changed somehow. If nothing else for the RP/class fantasy/flavour of each tree.
Flavour and Class Fantasy
Let’s look at the descriptions of the two hero trees available for Fury Warriors:
Mountain Thane: Mountain Thanes embody the strength of the mountains and the power of the storm. They channel thunder and lightning through their reinforced bodies to make them an unstoppable force.
Slayer: A Slayer has one goal: the execution of their chosen target, and woe betide any who stand between the Slayer and their prey. Slayers are unrelenting in their pursuit and attacks, overwhelming their foes with a furious, unending onslaught of steel. When a Slayer has you in their sights, your days are numbered.
Both of those sound cool! Slayer really hits the Fury vibes, just letting your instincts take over and going after your enemy by any means necessary!
Meanwhile, the Mountain Thane is always the biggest and most imposing guy on the battlefield (other than Colossus I guess). You might even call them an… “Avatar” of the Storm, haha get it?
Anyway, now let’s take a quick peek at the description of the two main abilities of the Fury Warrior:
Bloodthirst: Assault the target in a bloodthirsty craze […]
Raging Blow: A mighty blow […]
One of those sure sounds like you just let your aggression take over and just wanting to kill your target at all costs. Meanwhile, the other one is something that just a big huge strong warrior might do to a foe.
I don’t think it’s rocket surgery to figure out which hero tree should emphasise which ability, if you aren’t going to just work with both.
Talents, mechanics, gameplay, etc.
I’m not going to sit here and pretend I’ve got it all figured out, but here are a few thoughts on how to adjust the Fury tree especially, and redesign some hero tree procs.
Pathing around the bottom left of the Fury tree: Deft experience needs to change, there are so many talents now that increase the damage and rage generation of Raging Blow, that Bloodthirst really needs some love. It’s also the most iconic Fury ability, and yet it doesn’t have an off-hand component? I also think that Bladestorm/Ravager should be on that side of the tree, and replacing Deft Experience with something really worth it for Slayer/Bloodthirst to really make it feel good going down that path with the hero spec.
Execute, Sudden Death, Marked for Execution, and Bladestorm: Currently, it seems that you overcap on Marked for Execution stacks a lot. Would be cool if being at max stacks just gave you Sudden Death or something. Also, if Sudden Death’s extra hits on Bladestorm also applied to the random proc’d ones of
BloodthirstRaging Blow would be pretty great I think! -
Odyn’s Fury: I think it’s definitely a missed opportunity not giving the Mountain Thane an interaction with that spell. I mean, lightning strikes, Avatar, all that totally fits well with the whole Nordic feel. And, if it was the capstone in the place where Bladestorm/Ravager is currently, it would go well with a Mountain Thane tree that emphasises Raging Blow as well! Some kind of slightly Dragonflight S3 inspired setup that encourages Reckless Abandon + Thunderous Roar + Odyn’s Fury + Titan’s Torment + Raging Blow (as previously discussed) in the class tree feels like it would just go full ham on the Nordic Lightning God vibes, fur cloaks and horned helmets and all that stuff.
Thunderclap/Thunderblast/Whirlwind Talents: This is kind of several points baked into one. First off, the Fury/Thane stuff really needs to encourage pressing Thunderblast in Single Target. I really like the change that Thunderblast calls a lightning to one enemy, which makes it better in ST of course. However, the fact that Reinforced Plates and Armoured to the Teeth is locked behind either Thunderclap or Shockwave is incredibly annoying, especially for Slayer hero specs who never press Thunderclap, and have no use for Shockwave in a raid. Having to spend a point on a talent that you don’t even put on a keybind is always going to feel bad. Perhaps making Improved WW+Meat Cleaver into one, and getting rid of Wrath and Fury to free up some more point budget for Bloodthirst could be a possible solution to be looked at?
Some random thoughts about other specs and hero trees:
- Colossal Might and Cleave: Would be nice if Cleave gave stacks on Colossal Might, and by extension worked with the CDR on Demolish, perhaps even as a choice node somewhere? Would be cool if we could spec into it or not depending on the damage profile that you want on your M+ runs, with more priority damage or more AoE. Mostly for the using Cleave as your main ability and not compromising on the CDR you get for Demolish with the Dominance of the Colossus capstone.
- More Colossus vibes: If a Prot/Colossus Warrior could wield a 2H weapon with a shield, that would be totally badass! Even if it’s only a transmog option. (Also let Fury tmog 1H weapons without taking the SMF talent pretty please!)
- Colossus is not colossal enough!!! Mountain of Muscle and Scars should make you minimum 15% bigger, maybe even 20%. Dwarves the size of Orcs, Orcs the size of Tauren, and Tauren the size of a Valarjar. Search your heart, you know it to be true.
Anyway, this is all for now. Thank you very much for reading my semi-coherent ramblings, and I’m definitely curious to hear what everyone else thinks about those!
Hope you’re all having a nice day!