Feedback on Hunter pets and runes for P4

I come again with a reminder on the state of hunter pets and runes in SoD. You can check my last post here, should you want to read more about it.

Hunter pets

  • Allow Furious Howl to scale in some way and fix the bugs associated with it.

  • Improve scaling on Screech so that bats are competitive DPS-wise.

  • Fix Scorpid Poison. Its scaling was broken despite the original blue post stating it would be fine at 5 stacks. It’s never used now as a result.

  • Give all pets Dash/Dive.

  • Make Bite competitive with focus dumps: use all remaining focus for higher damage a la Ferocious Bite or reduce its CD in some way so that pets like spiders or crocolisks don’t focus cap.

  • Give more love to families with little to nothing: spiders , hyenas, tallstriders, crabs, crocolisks, etc. We’re still using the same old cat/wind serpent with no change in sight . SoD was meant to spice things up and help specs or classes that need it.

  • Make wyverns scorpids or give them their own family with poison/claw/bite/dive/anything else you might consider. Let us tame any wyvern with the rod so that we can get recolors and higher level ones .

  • Give us more tameables and make them their own discoveries : chimeras and thunder lizards for wind serpents/own family, darkhounds for wolves, gryphons and hippogryphs for owls/own family, threshers and sharks! , devilsaurs, hydras (could have poison, triple bite…), pterrordaxes, kodos, diemetradons, giraffes, zevras and horses, etc… as well as more colors of existing families such as the unused white vulture skin or the venomhide ravasaurs.

  • Let us befriend dragonkin as a new family : faerie dragons, whelps, drakes.

  • Discovering new tameables (either families or special individual pets - recolors or otherwise) should be one of the core aspects of the class .

  • Give us 5-10 more stable slots .

  • Follow on the idea of the datamined pet abilities and implement something similar.

Hunter runes

  • Make Kill Command a 6s CD attack that deals damage and/or has effects based on family and benefits from BM and Arcane Shot talents. I’ve explained it before in more detail here. Move the rune to the glove slot.

  • Relocate Beast Mastery to the chest and have its effects require active input from the hunter instead of being fully passive. For example, the extra focus regeneration could partially work like the talent Go for the Throat from future iterations.

  • As a result, make Heart of the Lion baseline through a book and remove the personal hunter buff (unless scaling is a concern in the future).

  • Move Cobra Strikes to the legs and fix its buggy interactions. Let it proc from any critical and not just shots. Can also be reworked to be more interesting.

  • Create a new chest rune for melee that allows Mongoose Bite/Counterattack to actually be usable.

  • Less passive runes, especially for BM. The BM hunter needs to have a rotation besides multi-shotting every 10s. We want to enhance and interact with the pet(s), not auto shoot passively. For instance, if we get a 2nd pet or Dire Beast, make them engaging.

  • Give AP scaling to stings, Arcane Shot and traps.

  • Give Sniper Training a grace period so it’s not so punishing and maybe let it buff auto shots.

  • Rework some of the newest runes: Invigoration is moot due to no scaling to use mana on and the existence of Aspect of the Viper, Steady Shot deals little damage and can’t be used well with current weapon speeds, Expose Weakness will be good with more agility in the future but is a bland passive, etc.

  • New runes/passives/abilities should not all come from retail/future expansions. Create new things for SoD .

Are there any other ideas you’d like implemented in regards to hunter pets and runes?

This thread is a copy of my latest feedback thread and its Reddit version.

Additionally, there has been a recent Reddit thread by a different user on the matter as well.

The feedback included in this post is still very relevant for P4. Some of it has been taken into consideration such as HotL becoming baseline and its spot being replaced by a MB rune but the implementation of said rune is a bit dubious, as many players have already expressed.

Additionally, Kill Command has been removed instead of remade into a rotational BM ability (see above) and Invigoration has been removed instead of reworked as well. So not only there’s zero new BM-centric runes but two of them have been removed as well!

To the devs that might be reading this: please, consider this feedback and don’t let BM leave with nothing. The spec (especially ranged) needs more love and interaction with the pet, not more passive bonuses (unless you’re daring and want to include Animal Companion): a reworked Kill Command, a Dire Beast, interaction with Arcane Shot or Serpent Sting, etc.

For instance, Runes like Cobra Strikes have never been used! And won’t be even if fixed since a 100% chance to crit with special attacks (we assume it’s just Bite and Claw…) is not good due to world buffs. Increased damage for the attack would be better and it’d have to affect all pet specials, as well as being proc’d by auto-attacks/shots and not just Shot abilities.

Finally, the scaling for Shots, Stings and Traps should be baseline and not tied to a rune. The TNT rune can provide additional scaling but it shouldn’t be the only source of it.