Feedback on War Within Ret Paladin

As far as Ret Paladin goes, there are a few concerns I have.

  1. Single target. I’ve noticed a severe gap between Ret and some other classes in single target. What is especially striking to me is that Templar’s Verdict in particular does relatively… little… damage compared to generators.

  2. AoE. Feels a little better. However, my problem with AoE is in the talents. Divine Hammer and Final Reckoning are currently so heavily undertuned that they are not even worth picking.

  3. Removal of Retribution aura. Blizzard has, for whatever reason, decided that one incentive to bring a Ret paladin to a raid had to go. And we got nothing in exchange. On the contrary, Shamans had windfury changed into a raid-wide buff. With the already wide gap in universal utility compared to other DPS classes, we rely completely on our damage to be competitive. And right now, damage is lacking.

  4. Herald of the Sun has been continuously nerfed during beta and it shows, because it’s quite frankly not even worth looking at.

I hope Blizzard does the right thing during tuning, because to me Ret feels like it’s almost back to a pre-rework state.


Blizzard simply needs to revert the nerfs to final verdict and a few other spells mentioned in other threads. I don’t understand why they were nerfed at all.

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Yeah, Templar Strikes feels like it hits for way more damage than Templar’s Verdict/Final Verdict which is kinda insane. (though Id vote for Final Verdict to be buffed rather than Templar Strikes to be nerfed)

I miss the old Final Reckoning, with the passive when off-CD. It worked great and was interesting, its annoying it was so heavily simplified. But yeah, it needs to be buffed back up. Its basically a pointless take outside of world content. Which is a real shame. Its such an epic looking ability.

Herald of the Sun not being equal to Templar is a real shame. Whilst I think id still pick Templar, it should be a gameplay choice, not a straight up DPS choice. negates the entire point of the system

In Pvp out of burst cds ret is weak.

They dont read here, you need to post in general.

I really don’t like the idea of auto wings. It feels like a design by someone who is casual, and want less buttons to press. The same was in Legion with auto bouble. You don’t have the control over your huge power spike. Starting rotation with Wake of Ashes just feels very weird for me, and those 8s wings are not that long tbh, you can’t spend your skills what you want while at wings, and fully take an advantage from Bloodlust. Also I don’t like the rng wings proc from that talent. I will have to find a build, and play with normal 1min wings, and hope that auto thing won’t be op and mandatory…
And litreally stealing our raid buff is rude, meanwhile shaman got a new one. Over those years we lost raid buffs like BoK, BoW, BoM, and now even aura.
Apart from Hammer of Light which is great, and feels great to use the overall feeling is very similar to what it was in DF, but I feel like something is missing.

The 1 min wings are weak AF.
10% dmg crit and heal in Pvp. Hello blizzard?
And the other one that ramp up feels boring.
Still ret pala fantasy is there but the damage is so bad. At this point Its a meme spec just like tbc ( apart from blood elf due to their Seal of blood and command wings).

In terms of pvp everything is nerfed

  • 5 sec stun instead of 6 and the only dispellable stun
  • 4 sec blinding light instead of 6 that breaks on every dot and auto consecration
  • Wings Might nerfed 50%
  • Crusade is 23% at max stack
  • Healing hands nerfed 50%
  • Probably a lot more that i dont remember

Then the usual “bug” if one can even call it that at this point crops out for a 4th? time, freedom dont clear all slowing effects. A bug that will remain for a long time making it look more intended then anything.

So we are a class with

  • no gapcloser
  • the least ammount of CC
  • no spammable nor powerfull slow
  • no healing debuff

While we are on par with other classes on selfhealing BUT limited with MANA unlike others having it at most CD restricted

We are also a class that has the weakness of being susceptible to all forms of CC like

  • Blanket silence
  • Dissarm

While at the same time having none of those types of CC

Our saving grace? Bubble, its always bubble and talents like BoP and spellwarding, the ever growing anchour dragging us further and further down to never recive anything!

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But everyone will focus ret anyway. If we use the bouble/bop we have nothing left so we are a weak target like it was for years. And people are saying nerf retri… They don’t know how to play against pala it seems. The fact freedom doesn’t clear all the slows is so annoying. I heard Paladin don’t have a specific class dev so probably that’s why it is like it is, and they are pumping the fake numbers so it will be somehow playable.

But there should be a limit to the different treatment specs get shouldnt it?

Rets have long struggled with survivability in pvp outside bubble and in Legion they came with Justicars Vengance, thats FOUR expansions ago (8 years). A talent never picked by anyone outside betas (as thats the only place/time it might be overtuned)

WHO is that talent for? In PvE our heals arent nerfed by over 50% so a lowerd dmg spender is never needed.

In pvp it lacks the range that FV has, does less dmg and the secondary stun part is NERFED for whatever reason to 15% instead of 25%. If i use it on a stunned target im not even doing more dmg then a normal FV?!? WHO IS THIS FOR??

Take another example in Herald of the sun tree, Illumine. Reduces targets speed by 50%, nice for pvp right? Nope its 30% in pvp. Who is this talent for? Are melee class slows needed in PvE like ever?

The class tree having 3 talents for steed, 1 talent for aura thats out of combat use mainly, several “healing” talents that heals for 0.0001% of max health. Ive seen heal ticks for 800 while i have health of 7+ mil buffed. WHAT are these heals??

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