Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

Went to play classic to AVOID all what you put there.
maybe dual spec might be good but for the rest just play retail, i don’t know what’s your point here, ppl are having 30min to 1h queue for a quick battleground where you can be matched against premade, where is the fun in that?

I was being sarcastic xD

I basically listed all the “good features” that brought WoW into a game constantly losing subs to the point they HAD to rebuild the old version.

Edit: about your second point, yes it sucks, I used to PvP a lot in Vanilla and I can imagine the frustration. The issue is that Blizzard knew that, we knew that, we told them that the issue would just magnify and they did nothing but giving a pve tool to Ret Paladins (which I am happy for ngl but this is really a minor solution and not even to pvp). Then now they are basically saying that if you rolled Alliance on a PvP server then you are screwed and they’ll be leeching your money until your sub expires while making you even less able to play.


Please re-enable faction vs. faction bgs. It is the only way for Horde to be able to actually participate in PvP in a meaningful way.

This is what my days looked like during the test.

  • Work until dinner time.
  • Evening comes - I play bgs with my friends and we have a blast! Need the gear BADLY for arena.

This is what my days looked like after the test.

  • Queue up for bgs when I start work, alt tab in to my work. If I get in to a bg I pause work and focus on the bg.
  • Get distracted from work constantly becuase I have to tab in every 10-15 minutes to move so I don’t get disconnected.
  • Forget to move once - get disconnected
  • Constantly have to reorganise my life around BG queue pops.
  • Evening comes - can’t play with my friends, most don’t play bg’s with these queues. We end up trying to decide on another game to play usually.
  • Decline any other group activity in wow becuase I’m 30 minutes in to a bg queue.
  • Before I log out at night I see that my day of grinding has barely resulted in 10% honor of ONE pvp piece, mostly due to facing premades.

Horde can’t really do premades, it’s really hard to find 10-15 people willing to wait around 1 hour. Turning in marks for honor is also a joke even with the fix since it’s 1-2 hours queue time for AV.

Please bring this back asap and fix AV if possible. Thanks blizzard for making a game that’s good enough to care this much about!


Please re-enable faction vs. faction bgs. It is the only way for Horde to be able to actually participate in PvP in a meaningful way.

There can be alternative, like Mixed Faction vs Mixed Faction

Why not just delete the alliance and rename the game to World of Hordecraft?


They should. In a few weeks, no point play at alliance side. No players to set up groups for dungeons, premades, …
I know many people on my guild that is leaving alliance chars and making new ones on horde side.
And others that will not play at alliance side when (if) Woltk comes out.

Where was all this problem for the faction balance when in wotlk until legion the ladder and the pvp in general was only Alliance human?
Was the same problem but the answer was “you dont like it? Reroll”

Cit “you dont like it? Reroll”

i really loved this change. Honour grinding is a real slow progress in tbc and the gear is expensive ( perspektive of a mor casual player with a family and a job ). i was literally willing to quit the game, because leveling again is no option and playing alliance ( i dont want to leave friends and the guild. I simply dont have the time to wait half an hour plus for a match. please make this permanent so i am able to play the aspekt of the game i enjoy the most.

amen my friend.

I think you’re a horde main posting on a twink…it’s the only reason I can think of that you would make such a blatantly rubbish statement.

Horde love ganking, especially when on average they have 50% more players so know they will have lots of help and it makes them feel better after being stomped in a bg by players their own level. So no, the griefing won’t stop. It’s a mindset and won’t stop until the last alliance player has left the server.

Horde remind me of real life rare game hunters: they will persue and kill the last of a species and then moan when they have nothing left to kill and blame everyone else.


The other issue is the collapse of the economy which follows on the alliance side, leading to less and less stuff in AH, leading to another viscuous circle of diminishing everything.

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Don’t bring it back,

Bring paid faction change, we guys who want fast queues will go Allie, and horde queue will get shorter because of it. And lore isn’t ruined.


nobody cares about lore in 2021, as long as queues are >1m

Fully agree with you. Terrible change.

I really hope they won’t implement this madness.

After you’re done with your work, make a phone call to one of your family members and ask them to start the game and queue you up. Let’s say it takes you an hour to come back home. Voila! As soon as you enter home the queue pops! Ez solution for you srsly. Pls don’t post mushy essays here.

A lot of people care about the game fantasy, it’s a freaking roleplay game after all. Alliance vs Horde feels extremely strong in both classic and classic tbc. You can’t take it away! Players like you made WoW turn into what is commonly known as refail.

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Im pretty sure you have little to no brain cells; Go ahead reroll hord play PVP main and tell me how you feel in just a week or 2. Not only you will not care about the lore you will take 0 enjoyment of the game.Yes the lore is good and yes there is a lot to do in the game, however if you main focuse is PVP and you simply can’t do it knowing that there is an esay fix you will enjoy 0% of the game you wont care about lore about proffesions PVE or yourfriends for that metter. Im In hardcore PVP guild and we i can’t play with my friends tell me how should i feel ?

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Wake up Blizzard, waiting to be able to play the game again, give us BG’s back. Literally not worth logging on to spend 80% of our time in queue.