Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

how xd

keep venting at people on the forums you’ll be liked someday loser

i have no idea why alliance are crying about this. things are same for you as they were b4. only change is that now horde can actually play the game. and yes you are facing more premades now just coz we the horde can finaly play the game and not sit for hours in que just to face YOUR alliance premade 80% out of time. so THANK you blizzard for finally making something useful for your players to enjoy <3


This fix encourages more players to roll Horde as there is now not a single penalty associated with faction stacking on the faction that already has a better time of it in all aspects.

This dooms Alliance to slowly lose players by attrition/rerolls as all new players are encouraged to roll Horde because it’s a superior playing experience.

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now you’ve aggroed the beast

i cant care less for aggro of the ‘‘beast’’ if they wanna cry about it so be it.


I’d be careful he might start calling you a liar



there is no reason to roll horde unless you planning to play pve only. in pvp alliance has superior racial’s gnomes can escape stuff , humans will find you in stealth and have free opener most of the time and dont let me start on a dwarfs specially DWARF PRIESTS the most OP priest you can have in arena. :smiley:

oh nonono here it comes

all your posts are cringe bro u ask people for evidence and cant even give it yourself xd

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You can be happy for your faction and simultaneously see that the numbers of the Alliance are dwindling.

Just like you deserved a solution to the BG problem, we should atleast get some effort put into fixing the faction imbalance.

The alliance are crying because once again it seems we are forgotten.

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A fifth alt?


Feels very good.


a what now?

you do realize that only reason that there is so little amount of alliance compare to horde is just coz people want to minmax in pve and they roll just for that reason. that has NOTHING TO DO with this pvp situation at all. no one FORCED them to roll horde did they? there is no fix that will just ‘‘Pooff’’ more alliance out of blue. and yes you deserve attention too but fact is that there is just not enough interest on alliance side for those who care more for pushing their parses to the max in pve. :slight_smile: anyway this is about feedback about this faction to same faction battleground last time i check so lets keep it there. Best change for better future of pvp communitys! thank you blizzard again!

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A change that doesn’t decimate the Alliance community to fix a problem Horde caused was not even considered.

This is a horrible change, No amount of cheerleading will change that.

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Thank you. That is all we want, just some backup on the bigger issue at hand. No one is actually mad you can play BG’s now, people are mad that the solution makes the issue even bigger. The fact they throw insults at you is just anger and you should either ignore, or flag it.


double alli XP and give an option to re-boost. i will play my horde chars now

death to the / of the Alliance

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Well, this is a zashkvar, and the fact that there is no place for the Alliance in the open world, there is nothing wrong with farming spots. Let then give a separate layer of purely Alliance without the Horde with the ability to jump to the layer with the Horde
#Do something for the ALLIANCE!
You are destroying the faction balance with your own hands, which already does not exist!


Wow, just wow. From a horde perspective this feels amazing.

I came back for TBC and i checked and similar sites for faction data and saw that it was not that much of a difference, i started leveling on a fresh server as a blood elf, after 8 days played i heard that Horde had 1.5 hour que for any BG and it was devestating, i almost quit because i really did not want to sit 1.5 hour in que to do some pvp when i knew that i had to do a ton of them to even get anything based on the low honor gain we have now. I had a level 60 on alliance from before but now i was so invested in my new character that rerolling back to alliance and letting all those days go to waste on my new toon that i loved and game me a nostalgia trip like never before just to be able to do some pvp with my friends felt really bad.

I am glad that this is something that is beeing tried out and to be honest this is the most fun i have had in a while, even if there is a lot of premades during prime time but this is to be expected and i do not see how it can be avoided without futher gimping que times and people finding loopholes around it either way.

The feel of the “PvP Instance servers” is great, everything runs smooth, usually takes 1 min to get into a BG even at 08 in the morning and then you mostly meet only pugs aswell.

I really hope this is a thing that has come to stay, i do not want to play alliance and neither of my friends want to. If this is something that is staying i think i will have no problem sticking to Classic this time around with few if any breaks.

Only thing i wished for in the past was higher honor gains, but now with these fast ques and since you can turn in marks for honor this is just perfect, i see it as a win win for the people of both factions that want to do BG’s.

I love this, i love the silly masks when you play the other faction, and adjusting to the other side goes fairly quick.

Thank you Blizzard, this is the best #Somechanges i have seen you implement for a problem that really needed solving.