Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

I share almost the exact same experience, great change. :slight_smile:

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It’s not the PvP racials that drive the game, it’s the PvE racials that drive the game. For example dwarf priest is de facto best race for PvP priest. Humans are a situational hard counter to rogues on current iteration; non-human rogues need to open with a pre-vanish to not get sapped and the list goes on. Yes horde PvP is picked due to undead. However, undead has the worst racials for PvE. And it is PvE where troll and orc excel. Dwarf priest is oppressive enough to radically change the way you play against the match up. No other race can do this. Meld-drinking hunters and druids are also another PvP group. Frost mages have nightmares of gnome warriors after Nova. The list does go on.


Me and my arena partner almost quit because of the sometimes 2 hr queues. Just had my frist game with 1 minute queue and i must say it feels great. The motivation to grind pvp gear is back and this is the best decision from blizz ever

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you do realize that alliance themselfs are killing alliance by rolling horde for pve. blizzard has nothing to do with how players themselfs want to play the game. sad but true. also can people stop crying about stuff not related to the topic here thank you. :slight_smile:

If blizzard has nothing to do with the player’s decision for which faction to play. Then maybe we will not continue to destroy the balance of factions, and those players who want battles are happy to wait for you in the Alliance!

thank you! finally some one that know what hes saying.

again it is not ‘‘if blizzard’’ has anything to do with player balance, coz they dont. players themselfs ruin faction balance coz of their own reasons and there is nothing to be done to fix it that is just the fat fact. unless you come up with some amazing idea how to get masses of horde magically to roll alliance there is literally nothing anyone can do to fix this :slight_smile:

This decision affects the balance of factions, because the long wait for BG players makes them switch to play for the Alliance!

If the players ran after the bloggers’ hype for the Horde! Then suffer in long queues! But there is no need to divert such a system, thereby inflicting damage on the Alliance, already almost dead !.

You yourself created the imbalance, and now cry that long queues for battles!
#Do something for the ALLIANCE!

So happy for this change, I finally enjoyed (a lot) the game yesterday.
Imagine alliance could premade farm 10 min bgs with instant queues, now everyone is salty because horde can do it too and soon alliance won’t have gear benefits what they were able to farm in no time compared to horde.
This is exactly how it should be. 90% of people giving negative feedback don’t even play bgs I guess.
I understand the concerns about faction balance, maybe they should try to address it somehow. Historically you can see that it is not that easy, but definitely the balance should not be in 1 hour queue vs instant queue. Now there is less reason to fly around and kill alliance because we can farm our honor. With 1 hour queues I was flying around killing leveling people, because that was the only honor I could get.

Thanks Blizzard, but I’m little worried, because every time I enjoy the game it gets changed like first day of pre-patch where I played only like 3 games because I didn’t know it will get nerfed.


Thank you for this!
Finally we Horde can also enjoy battlegrounds and premades.


Thank you for your contribution to the destruction of the balance of the game!

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Hi! I play alliance specifically and solely for BG timers. It was okay to have 10% win rate because I had instant queues, but I don’t want 10% win rate if the alternative is 50% winrate and 5 min queues for horde. Will I be give a free reroll so I don’t have to start playing from level 1 again? Since you removed the only reason I chose to play alliance?

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Best change ever, finally you can play the content you subscribed for.

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I doesn’t feel right. When I see the alliance tabards and mask, it feels like retail. I don’t want to play retail. If it has to stay this way, at least remove the masks. I’m thinking about unsubbing for the first time since TBC launch…

But I don’t want same-faction BG to stay, and I play horde.
While I don’t like queues, I think the main issue is the faction imbalance.
I don’t want you to fix queues, I want you to fix faction imbalance and encourage alliance to pvp. This is the way to address the root cause, which will in due time reduce the queues and provide a better experience to everyone.

How can you do that?

  • Free faction change to the Alliance (only Horde to Alliance should be allowed until queues are not an issue anymore)

  • Improve alliance racials like they are on Wotlk

  • Slightly improve honor gain for Alliance

There is probably a lot of other options to improve the alliance PVP experience and encourage horde to reroll/change to the alliance.

I also use the opportunity to mention that I have raised many times the real BG issue that have been ongoing since early Vanilla Classic : Premades
You need to make sure premade play vs premade because this only creates BG when PUG will stay at GY and wait. Is that the experience you want to provide to people?
Premade players should not represent more than 50% of the enemy team, otherwise, there is no reason to challenge them.

Hope this goes in the right direction



I hope your dream comes true. And long live the Monofraction servers of the Horde!
Once again, I will repeat the Alliance is not to blame for your long queues. You yourself are the reason for your long queues!
Welcome to the World of Horde Warcraft
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo !

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My only concern is the higher prevalence of premades. I feel like, just as it was in TBC (see Patch 2.1 notes), premades should sit longer queues (10 min at least is needed imo) and only be matched against non premades if there’s truly no other option.


Great change.
Only negative is the amount of premades.

I would suggest to make a change, so the system will try to match Premades vs Premades before matching with a group of random players.

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So firstly I didnt like it, but tbh Im rly enjoing the game rn so cant lie about that.

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I’m having so much fun now… so I guess not :stuck_out_tongue:


This is absolutely AMAZING. PvP is so much fun now! GJ