You can keep same faction bgs in the game if you give alliance something in return, im still unable to use summ stones despite horde being so" angelic" and apperantly not 15 man ganking anymore. Give us EMFH
it works great
the only thing thats frustrating is that if you queue up alone you face 90% premades.
in general premade vs randoms is not fun .
It will actually make me play the game more now that i dont need any heroics and im waiting raid resets
Keep up the QoL changes coming
Dual spec next plsss
Becaus it takes away incentive to play Alliance thats why
Feedback in this thread in a nutshell:
-Horde player: “me happy, thank you Blizzard you saved the day”
-Alliance player: “this sucks so much, I’ll just unsubscribe”
i mean what do you expect really?
“Oh blizzard im so happy for the HvH change, now not only do i get dunked on at every summ stone but i lost the one thing i was clinging on too!”
I actually want free transferr to ally and buff ally racials to be better than horde ones
If you refuse to use the boost then that’s on you, If you can’t afford the boost then you have bigger problems to worry about that WoW faction balance and if you already used the boost just roll another account and purchase one.
Not unrealistic in the slightest.
Same-faction battleground is amazing, and it proves that Blizzard listen to their community.
Never enjoyed the game more than now. THank you blizzard
amazing change, thank you blizz <3
Nice change. Now make a login limit for horde on pvp servers, so it restricts them to log in when more horde than alliance is logged and it can be called a balanced change.
this is an amazing change that has revived horde players interest in the game as they can now play a vital aspect of it, namely pvp.
keep this in for good. the amount of open bgs went from 20-30 tops to 200+ overnight, this is a sign that its an astonishing success for the health of the game.
don’t listen to the salty alliance players, they literally just want to keep horde players from advancing in arena so they can pugstomp ungeared/pve-geared horde teams with their full sets of resilience gear… and they have the gall to talk about “fairness”…
remember when alliance could premade in AV? yeah back then they were defending that as 100% completely fair as well.
they are delusional and desperate.
don’t give in.
P.S it would be nice if you could take a look at premade stomping pugs, its not really very fun or very fair to queue up alone to be repeatedly stomped by premade teams.
pug vs. pug and premade vs. premade would be the obvious solution to this issue.
What about doing something for the Alliance now, like more honor/marks in BG’s ? Spare me the #NoChanges please. The Horde will have insta queues thanks to this change but the Alliance will just slowly die on pvp servers. This will just end with one faction and no Alliance players left to fill the queues, but who cares now that you can play against your own faction.
Seriously, why would people go to the Alliance when the Horde is just a better version of this faction now ?
you had free server transfers in p2 that allowed you to escape gankers, and many servers died as a result, that’s the state of how big the exodus was.
bgs were released earlier than it should in p2, all because you guys were crying about open world pvp
horde cave in AV was moved south more than a year ahead of time, if the timeline was to be followed as in #NoChanges horde cave would remain where it was in classic for about a year and a couple of months as of now.
you got seal of blood which you cried were o-so-OP and now that you have it, you got blood on your teeth and want more perks without compensation for the horde. (No, Seal of Vengeance is not a good compensation at all).
you have enjoyed instant queues for almost 2 years, giving you a huge advantage when it comes to farming pvp gear, which a lot of you have taken advantage of in arena for a good head start.
you had the ability to premade in AV for a month or two, before it was fixed, and you got to keep all the honor and items you obtained using this, frankly, exploitive method… even your fellow alliance players who were not part of said premades hated your guts for it, as you would systematically mass report players outside of the premade group to get them kicked from the BG to make room for the players in your premade.
how much more do you want? cus frankly, it seems to me that alliance have had way more perks and favoritism going their way throughout the history of classic… and what did horde get as compensation? zip zero dinero, my guy. and now that our unacceptably long BG queues have finally been fixed you attempt to seize the moment in order to get even more **** thrown your way, as if you somehow are entitled to that.
how about this:
It went well, alliance is quitting and horde is happy. Was that not the plan all along?
Well, last day of enjoyment for the horde pvpers. Lets hope this awesome change stays put!
time to Faction Change Horde>Aliance !!!
Fantastic, best 4 days of the Classic! Please keep it
I will personally stop queueing for battlegrounds once this feature is disabled. Thank you for the opportunity to get some honor gear Blizzard! As much as I enjoy playing PvP, there’s no way I can sit in a 1h 30 queue with the original system after experiencing 1minute queues. It’ll just be raiding and arenas for me now!
I’m assuming that math proof you wrote about doesn’t exist then.
EDIT: Actually, let me give you my math instead. In theory, like many other things like this we likely have a pareto distribution. This means that those 20% of players who are doing premades are playing 80% of the games. There you have your math proof (just happens to result in the opposite of what you believe).