Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

So you think that every single person who has rolled horde has done so for “racials”? Yeah I think the one delusional here is you


Also there is no way op human is coming in wotlk, just look how blizz is following horde, there is no way

If you think the horde faction is so massively preferred over the alliance due to ‘personal choices’ and totally zero racial benefits, we’re done.


There’s a sum zero chance that they will not implement Everyman, But if they so choose not to. I am all for it :slight_smile:

They wont, just look at this sotuation man, blizz will give you all

Some thought they wont be retail changes in tbc and look on us now, i honestly believe that if horde would cry for lfr we would get it in a month


You do know that in choosing alliance they also sacrifice the racails in PvE, not everything in the game has to do with PvP. People sacrifice PvE racials for faster PVP queues.

World of Horde. You should play retail, you would love it.

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A rock is less dense than you.

This discussion was specifically about the racials in PVP not PvE.

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No it was not, i never stated PVP nor PvE and made my own comment on the situation. You chose to react to that. PVP nor PVE was never implied, racials are the reason for the imbalance.

I specified, Guess your reading comprehension needs work.

I’d stay away from those big words when your sentence structure is this awfull.

I’d stay away from criticizing other people’s English when you can’t even spell “awful” correctly.


this is best desigion
make it for alterac walley too pls


yes that 1% dodge for NE is game breaking, meta ftw, also impressive game knowledge on your part…much munching on too much grass i think

Ah yes, the +15 to Herbalism from Tauren sure is OP.

See I too can make strawman arguments!

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Thank you! I can finally play BG’s. Please let us have this option until other solutions are out there. I don’t want to quit the game…yet.


Yet they all play Horde. Haha dude :smiley:

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Ask them why. Same reason as I do.

Because our friends/guildies play Horde.

Thank you, Blizzard ! You have my subscription back! Awesome change!


Hey smart man. Imagine how many servers would die because ppl just quit the game because they cant play bgs…did you think that far?


Yeah now just 1 faction will die, so much better