haha why are you so sad? everyone wants to play the game! think about later on, do you really think there will be any horde pvp players if they have queue 1 hour? answer NO!
Enable this back ASAP. Thank you.
I’ve encountered this a few times and apart from the disorientation at being on the opposite side of the map wearing a horde mask, it worked well. Queue times are kept to a minimum this way.
One slight negative from my experience, I queued for AB solo and three times in a row was pitted against the same Alliance premade team. It wasn’t an antisocial time at night or anything like that but I was with different people on my side each time.
I was possibly just unfortunate to get the same team three times, needless to say, none of those tries ended well.
On the whole, I like it.
Nice ! Think is the unique reasonable solution to resolve 2h queue
I’d go out on a limb here and say that most of the players these days are 30+ years old, got family, kids. Who got freakin time to sit an hour in queue for a single battleground, and surely to kill time… You go kill whatever you see in the meantim, camp them if need to.
The ganking wont stop, but atleast alot of PvPers will do their BG’s, chill with friends and enjoy the game. That is the sole point of it all. AND if alliance all die out, we still get to play PvP with this change. The glory of full pvp gear and world pvp may diminish, but only time will tell.
Though, if you got a few guys on the team while playing alliance, you got alot of possibility in ganking with all the hordes roaming around, move around the map and do guerilla warfare. Enjoy! Peace
I would go out on a limb and say that is not true, if it was then their IQ is so low that no one would want to reproduce with them.
Dont’t remove it!!!
Remove it, it will increase my game experience, in the long run.
For the love of god keep this feature in the game. Queue times without it were horrible on horde side. I have no clue how removing it would make the alliance experience worse in any way? Both factions get insta queues which is a win win in my book. The only thing imo that could be improved is when you queue with more than 5 people that they get matched VS other premades. Premades are ruining alot of fun for the casual PvPer on both sides. As for people saying it would affect alliance all rolling horde that’s BS. People who wanted to go horde already went horde and nobody in their rightful mind would still reroll now. Just keep the feature, make premades only face each other and give the alliance a small incentive to keep queueing. They have it tough in the open world, i feel them there. I simply don’t think removing the feature would fix the problems they’re already facing…
I whole heartedly agree with the premade statement, I have been running both premades and solo the last week with instant queues, when we ran as a premade, even a very poorly put together group of friends and randoms we absolutely crushed everything we met because people just gave up, and it doubled up when I solo queued, the lose fast mentality kicked in.
I also think pairing premades up with premades preferably would be a huge step in the right direction, even if we don’t get the instant queues back- now we won’t sit in a 1 hour queue to get absolutely demolished by a alliance premade with instant queue.
but honestly after seeing the overwhelmingly negative response from alliance players about the short horde queues now I think forcing alliance to wait 30+ min for a full premade queues will spark an equally big outrage sadly.
Please, bring it back soon.
This change is fantastic, I love it.
I only have 2 more requests if possible:
- free transfers alliance to horde.
- horde fly path in Stormwind / Ironforge please.
Thank you Blizz.
We need it back.
People who play 3-5 hours per day - they are able to play three games before they go to bed to rest after the working day.
This change will not affect alliance. People mostly play for PvE. They knew horde racials were slightly better. But they stayed alliance. At the same time arena players chose alliance for tournaments. Alliance racials are definately not worse than horde ones, just different. It also allowes the game to be more competetive when alliance doesn’t have the gear advantage (and some of alliance players complain to keep that advantage).
If any, the change would help casual players. Horde tries to get every point of honor they can. It results in killing every alliance in open world. Doesn’t matter if it’s level 66 gnome mage questing.
Now, when horde players are done with leveling and rep grind, many of them started working on their mains and alts because they could finally get gear to enter arena with more than 0 resilience. Now they dont want to play their pvp alts anymore, because queue takes 1h to 1h30m.
And it’s only season 1. Everyone has to farm off-pieces for every season. The earlier we get the change permanently - the less players game loses.
/and yes, I have an alliance character
it does affect alliance, becaus it takes away incentive to roll/reroll alliance. its that simple.
Yoo looks like the queue times are back to “normal” (hours and hours). Bring back same-faction BGs asap please.
Personally i loved facing hordes whisper them at the same time )
As always from Paries a well thougth out, well written arguement with sound logic and facts behind it.
Why do people reroll? Certainly not only because of perceived “overpowered” racials, they reroll to play with friends, because after all is said and done it is a social game that depends on its community.
Sure, a vocal minority is on here to complain that alliance will die out, but the keyword here is minority, many people don’t even play arena, let alone on a level high enough for racials to REALLY consistently matter.
And don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean that they don’t matter at all. For certain matchups they absolutely do.
But let’s face actual facts: Top 20 2v2 teams in EU (for this example) There are 12 horde and 8 alliance teams, if our racials were so strong surely it would be 20-0, no? There are alliance teams in the top 20 in 3v3 and 5v5 aswell.
This is absolutely a non-issue, the game will go on, the balance might shift a little, and then it might shift back another time, it’s ever evolving and fluctuating because people quit, people start up, people return and people decide they want to play with other people and so on. Not everything is about top rated arena.
Stop with your complaining and play the game.
Unsubbed cuz of terrible change.
You had 2 problem
1: Horde BG que
2: Alliance less population faction
You could solve this problem at once with PAID or FREE faction transfer.
But you chose solving 1 , making other worse.
http s://i.imgur.com/CvlxXg4.png
what stops people from getting their gear on ally to reroll horde? it would solve horde queues, but not alliance population. And then we have next seasons
Before this system, the fast que times was an incentive to play alliance, do you not agree? if that isn’t in place less people will chose alliance, the more people play a faction the more incentive there is to play that faction shifting the focus to horde. if the focus is on horde nobody chooses alliance, and over time nobody plays alliance.
Logic dictates that the less reason there is to do something, the less it will be done, do you not agree? and if you do agree, you agree that less people will play alliance.
Cant play the game, if there’s no one to play with.