Give horde their same faction queues, give alliance double honor.
Everyone’s happy.
Give horde their same faction queues, give alliance double honor.
Everyone’s happy.
This change was much needed.
BGs and Arena is what brought me back to play classic TBC - not to be waiting an hour in BG ques to obtain 200 honor (at best) so that I after an unreasonable amount of time (weeks) can obtain a single piece of PvP gear. This would directly cause a downwards spiral where any PvP related content favors alliance players as they would be fully pvp geared while hordes are left with a few pieces.
That being said, I fully understand the players who appreciate and enjoy the lore and role-playing aspects of the game, and I would, for that reason, be in favor of making same-faction BGs an optional and individual decision for each character. I still believe the BG ques would get fixed as I am certain the majority, by far, would select the same-faction BG option - most people don’t enjoy wasting time to this extent.
Grow up for god’s sake. It’s a video game that we are all paying 12 euros a month for and if a big part of the community is not able to enjoy their GAME, blizzard will have to provide a fix.
This is not a parent-child relationship, it’s a VIDEO GAME. Grow up!
You realise the alliance honor grind is as slow, if not slower, than hordes right? There’s like a 5% win ratio.
So it’s a video game and this dude needs to grow up, yet horde players have been posting for a week now with absolutely obscene, childish behaviour towards those who are worried (and rightly so) about their communities playing experience.
Have you gone through their threads and told them to grow up too? Im assuming as this is a video game you’re impartial to childish bias?
Highly approve of this change. This makes or breaks the game for me. BGs are my favourite part of the game and this change allows me to do them with the little time I have to play. Otherwise I have to stop playing WOW completely because of time constraints.
Good fix for ques, now when will you implement 500% gold, honor, arena point, rep gains and double loot from raids+dungeons for alliance to compensate?? Needs to be done asap
I don’t know what posts you’re talking about. this is the only one I’ve read as I was finally able to play bgs so I wanted to give my feedback on the matter so hopefully the fix will stay.
The only childish behaviour I see is from certain alliance players that care so much about something that quite literally does not affect them one bit.
I personally find it hilarious that you seem to think that so many players choose their faction based on racials. We choose what we are used to/what we like/where our friends are. So no, this change doesn’t affect your faction at all, and if you’re an adult that cares that much about rp in a video game, I think you need to revaluate some things in your life.
I am unsure how you are estimating this.
Having 100% BG uptime rather than 10 minutes every 60 minutes, even if you lose, would be better honor gains.
Also, your comment further favors the same-faction BG system - by putting horde against horde, you’d spread some of those lost games onto the horde faction instead of being 95% (to use your numbers) alliance who lose the games.
I dont care about racials. I play horde cause I think they look cool. I really like pvp but sitting through a 1 hour que is really frustrating. Not everyone can sit 12 hours a day and play the game. Some people only got 2-4 hours each day and sitting in a que half that time is really depressing
Great fix!
Now only thing that needs to be done is to fix the premade problem by either removing the possibility to queue more than 5 people together or let premades face premades only.
Cross faction has worked perfectly. No one wants to wait again one hour or plus to get in a single BG. Best PvP weekend ever, just want it back as soon as possible
I loved it! finally I was able to play PvP again, my friends who quit the game because they couldnt farm pvp items came back. It was fun.
Waiting an hour+ as horde to get farmed by alliance premade isn’t a game i want to play, sub canceld until same faction queues are permanently implemented.
PVE content cleared in week 1 and I suppose 2-3 more weeks until i am finished for my BIS.
Tried pvp 2 weeks ago and was like … im not gonna wait 1.5 hour i got better things to do and play a game for fun, last week was a blast not having to wait an hour and yes alot of premades across the board but atleast it didnt require a one hour wait.
Suppose if it stays with the 1.5 hour que timer its : Get BIS gear for PVE -> Not renew sub -> Wait till Phase 2 so there is new PVE content -> Rinse and repeat
Awesome fix!
Only reason I came back to the game was for PvP, waiting on 1hour queue was awful.
I just do not have the time to farm honor like this. Great fix! Bring it back!
The past few days have been the best of TBC classic for me, my guild and my friend group. It’s been a blast being able to group up with the boys and do some PvP. BG’s are by far my favourite part of the game, but sitting in 1 hour queues are taking the fun out of it.
Hopefully this mode will be reenabled asap so we can get back in the saddle!
Please bring it back. Nowadays I don’t have time to sit hours in queue to join a BG, this situation it’s intolerable for any faction.
Pvp is what I love in this game, I had such a good time this last few days.
I was never alliance and never will be, so reroll is impossible for players like me.
I actually like this suggestion.
Please bring it back. Without it, it’s not even worth logging in, because people won’t wait that long
please start again H vs H