This made me pick up pvp again, if you have a fulltime job theres simply no chance to get honor off-pieces. And without them arena is not enjoyable i would say for alot of classes…
This made me go get 5 off pieces, get an arena team and stay excited about the game.
It really good change . Now we can play normally and dont wait 1h+ to join bg, pls save this change
I would really love to see stats on how much PvP participation increased during the same-faction BG change.
please bring it back we could actually play the game
I did not know it was 4 days. As a guy who has always played horde with my friends (they only pve) this was what i needed. I have 2 kids a wife and a company to run. My friends they always played wow pve on horde will not switch ally and i want to pvp. So i have to choose to pvp alone or play with friends. Just give us horde vs horde bgs and i will be a happy man. Thank you.
I’d like to see free faction transfers to Alliance offered ASAP, but honestly, knowing Blizzard, I don’t see that happening. I’d love to be wrong though.
So many Alliance are claiming “Its your fault for choosing Horde!!!”. Some of us played Horde during classic and have all our supporting characters, gold, proffessions, mounts etc… nobody want to “just reroll” and say good bye to all of that.
Failing that, HvH has to come back. Anyone with a job or any commitments outside of WoW can’t farm honour gear without it.
Thank you so much for letting us test this. I don’t have as much time to play nowadays as I did back in classic vanilla, and was pretty bummed out that I couldn’t justify waiting so long for a battleground when I realistically wouldn’t have the chance to play more than maybe five every week, but with this change I haven’t felt like I needed to quit the pvp aspect of the game and have enjoyed so many battlegrounds these past few days.
I hope you reimplement it soon so those of us who don’t have extensive time to play or who don’t play classes that are really good in arena by default get to go back to the battlegrounds before people get too much arena gear and stomp those with mostly pve gear.
If I were to add one thing that would be nice, it would be if you would reimplement the old system in tbc where premade groups would have a harder time getting matched against a non-organized team, since, while it’s great to get into battlegrounds, running into premades consistently when you’re with a team of random people doesn’t feel good or fair.
Hey, these past few days were a blast. As I could not tag into a single battleground before. I have small windows to play like 1h or 2h. Sometimes I could wait for 1h30 and face a stronger team that resulted in a 5 min BG with almost 0 honnor. That is the definition of frustration. This problem was resolved and I’m just waiting for it to be reimplemented as I can’t play without it. Even facing premades was not as frustrating as not being able to play at all.
As a player that can’t always play for 3 hours in a row, it felt really refreshing to finally be able to PvP.
I play this game mainly because I love the PvP aspect of it and it feels really bad to sit around in Shattrath for hours, just to be able to play 20 minutes. I really hope you implement this fix definitely as it’s the first time since launch that I’ve felt like I could play the game and motivate friends to join me in PvP parties.
The only other improvement I would add would be to reduce the occurence of premade vs pickup group, either by matchmaking premades together or by banning them altogether (honestly tagging as a 5 persons group seems enough to play with friends), but that would just be the cherry on the cake.
TL;DR: Please, please, please, bring it back, it is the only durable solution to have short queue for everyone to enjoy.
Stopped reading. Nice lies.
Alliance :
Pros : - Faster Que time
Cons : - Ganked More ( since they are less dominant faction )
- Less Arena Partner ( less pvp oriented player )
Pros : - More Arena Partner
- Less Gank ( since they are more dominant faction)
Cons : - Slower Que Time
Feel free to add my list.
So you basicly want to delete ONLY CON that Horde Have.
And want to delete ONLY PRO that Alliance have right ?
Do you really think this is fair ?
Great change ! Please continue with this. As a PvP only player I’m not able to play the game with 1h bg queue. This last week was awesome.
Implementing this solution will change nothing to your problem.
Not implementing it would make the PvP aspect of the game unplayable for a lot of persons that have jobs and/or family.
Do you think that not implementing it would be fair ?
I really understand the alliance players problems and I’d love to see faction balanced servers, but this issue of horde not being able to PvP has nothing to do with the faction balance issue (except if you think that people will reroll now just to be able to enjoy short queue, in which case I must tell you : they won’t).
Your opinion just seems “selfish” as it will not make your WoW experience better but just make it worse for other’s.
It is also pretty selfish to want changes that only benefit you.
So why not start thinking of a solution that is favorable for everyone?
I really like the same faction battlegrounds. The very low wait time allows for a quick battleground before doing something else, with 1h queue times you either commit a whole evening to pvp or you don’t do it at all. (Or you do a dungeon and hope the BG doesn’t pop before the dungeon ends).
The first BG as alliance was a little confusing…
“Guys we need more bases, dont all zerg at the flag”
“We have 3 bases…”
“Oh… uh… right. Ours are the blue ones.”
But after that initial ‘culture-shock’ it was completely fine.
The masks are weird but barely noticeable if you don’t pay attention to them.
Awesome solution with same faction battlegrounds, keep it up.
That seems weird. Why not solve one problem at a time? This solves a problem without creating new ones, doesn’t it?
It’s a bit of a trend I’ve noticed lately, some kind of whataboutism, where if your solution doesn’t solve everything at the same time people complain about it.
It’s like saying:
“This only solves climate change but does nothing to income inequality so let’s not do that.”
you sound like a virgin crying himself to sleep. Anybody who ever said that horde racials are better has never played above 1.4k in arena.
Amazing this was, hope you implement it back fast.
Pros: - Faster Que time so already full geared way ahead of horde in s1, making it easier to push rating in arenas getting faster season 1 gear. Having more gear overall in bgs etc.
**Cons:- ** Ganked more on some specific server since yes horde is abit more dominant. But some servers like Earthshaker ally dominates.
Pros: - More arena partners however it doesnt matter for one bit since you cant farm gear if you working 8 hours a day, no time for it, u will always be behind and lose once you step into the arena, especially vs ally the first week, just getting outgeared, you eather have no life or your not able to play the game at all.
Cons: - Unable to play the game PvP wise.
Here, i fixed it for you mate.