Blizzard can you already give news to your community? We have been waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting hours on que just to get our shity blue PvP set, just so we can push over 1.8k with my friend. Please, bring this back with free faction-change for horde so that the pusy alliance won’t cry further more…
its not that easy, very few will change from horde to ally even with free faction change, would be great if it was that easy, but blizzard tried something similar before (heavy faction free to empty faction) and not many used it, most of those that did use it regretted it, so going from full horde to empty alliance is the same in a way.
Knowing not many will use it, simply means that even less will use it, because who would be on dead faction ?
Well I am just guessing but the nex test will probably be somewhere around 21 july , We know they want to re-release the summer olympic event with the tabard of competitor as a reward for participating in a battleground aswell as midsummer festival this year due to the pandemic so it is just assumption based on experience we will soon see now.
Will we add comments from the latest test to this topic as well or will there be another one for that but more important questions is when we’ll have these changes going ti live and “stop testing” even though some of the gear will be obtained via reputation when ptr goes live there’s still much to be grinded to be able to get other pvp pieces.
Also as you mentioned that arena points will be adjusted and corrected will there be such an action to honor gained as well?
I love bgs and have great memories of playing it at max level and twink brackets in the original BC mainly horde side but also with my Human pala alt. I have to say that pre same-faction battlegrounds i only played 2 or 3 bgs before giving up. Waiting for 1h and losing in a couple of minutes to alliance premades with instant queues composed of resilience geared players was frustrating and zero fun. Not worth my time. I felt like i was only playing half the game cause pvp is a very important part for me. After same faction bgs i have been enjoying the game. Love the changes, specially the limitation to 5 man premades (everyone can enjoy pvp with 4 friend and doesn’t break the game). AV it’s the same discord mambo jambo premades as it was in classic wow but i can live with that as long i have fast queues on other bgs. I think all horde would prefer to slay alliance in bgs instead of our comrades but it’s a necessary change in order to be able to play the game. Btw, my last bg was a EOTS Horde vs Alliance on my mage. Not that common but i still get those couple of times a day and let me say that i really noticed the difference vs horde. HvH the adversaries take alot more damage than when i face alliance teams but if blizzard makes the changes permanently time will suffice to even out the gear between factions. Keep up pls… let me pvp.
It’s been just 1-2 month since you announced this feature and look at the server populations hahahahaha
Even though this decision is a bad one, I can’t help but laugh at the now 100% Horde PvP realms that is the direct result of the same-faction BGs
Who even cares about server populations? There’s way more alliance than horde on my server and I do not have an issue with it.
So here is my input.
I’ ve been a wow player since 2005. During these 16 years there were some standards in the game. Alliance had way shorter queues for pvp and horde had mostly better racials. I was playing a draenei shaman in WoD and then i saw the Orc racials. My oh my free dps trinket? I want to try that. So i paid a server transfer-faction change to become an Orc. I rush to join a bg and bang! 30 mins queue. Needless to say i repaid for a server transfer and faction change. 45+45 euros=90 euros in 2 days. But it’s ok this is how the game works. Back into classic-classic now, before TBC. I was playing an alliance hunter with instant queues. Wanted to try a shaman though so i rolled one on horde. Ended up loving my shaman. My bg queues were 20 mins+ but what can you do, i liked my shaman and swallowed the queue pill. Found out its not that bad because if you get into the queue for all bg’s at once, you wait 20 mins for the first one to pop but then the others pop as soon as you are done with the first one. I expect this to be the case now as well.
Now we go to tbc classic. I go back to my alliance hunter AND i level a new alliance shaman from scratch. No boost for shamies. Why did i do it? To get instant queues.
So here we are with my draenei shaman and night elf hunter.
An ORC hunter gets:
+5% pet damage
+280 AP every two mins which he can use ON TOP of his dps trinket
+15% stun resistance
My Night Elf hunter gets:
An ORC Shaman gets:
+150 spell power every two mins plus the stun resistance
My Dreanei Shaman gets:
Gift of the naaru every 3 minutes (1,5 sec cast and the heal takes 10 seconds or so, unviable for pvp).
Now if we remove the queues from horde my whole time/money investment goes down the drain as it was based on getting those faster queues.
There is no amount of gearing up that will make it up for this lost free Orc on use trinket.
I am now leveling my new Orc hunter, he is already level 46 during these tests by playing him casually. I expect a lot of alliance to do the same thing, actually met quite a few rerollers in the leveling zones inspired by the HvH.
Now i’m gonna get people saying you shouldn’t have done this or that. I don’t care. These are my desicions based on game STANDARDS. 16 year old standards. Of course i feel there is no respect from the company to how the table is set, or to our efforts.
This is going to hurt alliance population 100%. Please consider free or paid Horde-Alliance transfers instead of this monstrosity. OR consider Alliance-Horde transfers for us who got scammed like that. ALSO if you implement HvH do tell us if its going to be on for the rest of TBC so we can choose our way forward.
Sorry about the double post, just noticed this one is the feedback thread.
Thank you blizzard this same faction battlegrounds take me back to TBC almost instaqueues fun in bg without premades
I’ve realy enjoyed it.
I hope this same faction bg will be implemented in near future.
I have also some points.
Please let peoples play only 5man premades if someone crying from 15man premades you can make matchmaking for them but dont allow them play with casual players which want fun.
If I remember correctly we don’t receiving correct amount of honor. Please try to investigate this I remember less time to farm PVP equip in original tbc. and I’ve also farmed this every season.
I think this values are not set correctly.
Thank you for TBC experience.
Imagine: You come home from work, you eat dinner and made plans to play a few battlegrounds with some friends. Three games later, 1h30min of queue time later, a total gameplay of 20-25mins - suddenly you realise you were doing nothing for 1h30min to play only 3 games gaining.
At this rate it would take me more than a year to just get the off pieces.
Please bring back Horde vs Horde, waiting 30min on peak hours is just not acceptable in 2021.
Reroll Alliance then numbnuts
Or give HvH and alliance can reroll horde. Fewer people that have to reroll that way, eh?
Just give us a free faction change. problem solved, properly solves the issue with with the servers at the same time
nothing will change. i, just talking for myself, wont leave the Horde, my char und friends. just let everybody play pvp.
Bring back ? We have S2 Gear to farm and Reroll to gear, allo ?
Well then RIP alliance bgs… so horde can have their time of their lives playing HvH 24/7 Cuz i wont play a single bg without premade… 5-man premade is so BS! only pathetic noob hordse crying cuz they are too dumb to make their own premades! WP blizz you killed bgs for alliance! Give horde all good changes and dont give alliance anything lmao! really stupid!
Many from my server is not playing bgs at all thanks to this. Our pvp guild got disbanded thanks to this dumb 5-man change! Thanks blizzard for killing the fun!
i cant even tell if guys like that gnome above me are serious or trolling on a whole new level…
Maybe Bots been able to use the boards now, dunno. Could be.
realy gettin’ beyond me tho…
Lol trolling^^, play alliance and you will see what im talking about rofl! Get facts before typeing!
Well cryed alliance mix maxers. You managed to continue with instant queues while others went back not being able to play the game. Idle in a city for a queue to pop is not gameplay. Well all pay 13 euros so why can’t i participate in pvp as oftenly as another costumer who plays alliance. Horde should boycott battlegrounds until we get back those decent queue times. Let alliance queue alone and get that free, fast, easy honor they were used to in full premades…
PS: I don’t even play arenas. Just used to queue bgs for fun. Not it’s back to the way it was when tbc launched, no pvp.
You actually rolled horde thinking you would get descent que time for bgs?
Must be pretty dumb if you think majority would roll fotw when tbc hit.
Even in original tbc 20-40 min que time was normal as horde.