Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

Right now 16:00PM Eots/Wsg/AB queue is ~18min
so even without HVH? it’s is not that bad.

maybe blizzard should make auto system which only allows horde vs horde if the queue times is huge!

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For fairness sake, make it 20min queue for both factions, always.

After being queued for 20min a BG opens up and you play against whatever is available.
And if you think that kind of sucks, how about 1min? That would be fine, right?

If there is a possibility of having almost instant queues why not have them? Why artificially suffer through 20min of queues only to play against a Horde team anyway that waited 20min too?

That’s like requiring you to carry a 15kg rock when you walk from home to the supermarket. Nobody benefits from it, it’s just unnecessary suffering for the sake of suffering.

Also, let’s check queues again at 19:00. :slight_smile:

No, it wasn’t normal.

blizzard, what is your next step… tell us.

community is waiting for answers:

  • same faction bg’s:
    no or yes (when?)

  • more honor for bg’s:
    no or yes (when?)

  • reduction of item costs (honor and season1):
    no or yes (when? how much?)

  • premades (5+ player) in bg’s
    no or yes (why, when?)

  • seperate queues for 5+ player premades?
    no or yes (when?)

your communication is just bad. sorry to tell you but its worse than ever. please, PLEASE respond fast this time. dont let players wait again before they stop care and leave the game

even if you plan to post something soon, tell us. im just annoyed of this silence.


How long are you planning to stall the horde? Stop this “we are testing crap” and give a final decision.
No bg = No pvp = No fun = No sub !!!
Got it?

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No Bg for some of the horde = a bit less pvp = a bit less fun for some people who care about pvp and who are horde = those ether unsub or they just wait untill season 2 and get their season 1 gear with whatever honor they have now and dont step into bgs again.

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Horde versus Horde was an utter failure because it only ever benefitted the faction with the most benefits. As such, it needs to stay out until the playing field has been evened out.

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Yes its totally same for us with my wife its non sense to queue for bgs. We got kids, not so much time so PvE is pointless but also 20m AB queues and 1hr AV queues are the same.

Also they should give us some information, cuz their communication is just bad. I’m sure a lot of ppl will unsub if the situation remains this way. I’m sure we will, unsubb. We just try to find some non-retail fun if you know what i mean if Blizzard wont fix the situation :).

I would even pay for Faction change or they should give a free week so PvP lovers can choose what they want or just stay at the mercenary mode bgs. But that way AV need to be fixed. 1hr queues are not normal. No AV marks no honor.

Bloody alliance players can say that we got the racials and deal with the queues but i would say deal with no pvp in phase 3 cuz it will rot down to the ground this way :). Btw i didnt went to horde for racials…

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But world pvp got alot easier as alliance. Farming outside got alot easier as alliance.

I’d take losing out on world pvp and outdoor farming for a faction that doesn’t lose all of its players.

Good job blizzard you just lost many horde pvp players subscriptions including me I canceled it instantly when bgs become inadequate queues for 25 minutes wait time and no more cross factions battlegrounds… Explain for what I need to wait??? For meet next russian alliance premade on EU server? and what next another 25 minute queues for another premade?, This game returned to state where it completely unplayable from perspective of battlegrounds and pvp on the horde side…
Ok next Blizzard promised to nerf premades limit it to 5 people in group? SO explain please, why I see to the date 14-08-2021 15- players - 10 players from same server? oh that’s a coincidence??? Or what ?
To be honest I play on the horde side, and why its silly I Prefer the battlegrounds Horde vs Horde! I don’t wont to play anymore against alliance non stop premades… - its actually more fun to play for Horde vs Horde (Pugs vs Pugs) its really fair game and challenging it feels right and good… I don’t like concept of stupid premades who farming honor and ruining for other players game.
If your target to please alliance and premades you blizzard did great job you on right track- of course aliance didn’t like concept to play alliance vs alliance, why they would like premade vs premade, they love to farm horde pugs its a lot easier… So you only praise them and remove cross faction bgs! Great blizzard keep alliance happy and continue punish horde pvp players with queues non stop premades and more amazing ideas u can add… Nice its really helping people to not think twice and cancel their subs and go for other games.

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You god damn retail players.
25 minutes wait time is how it has always been horde side in vanilla and TBC, in fact, up to 45 minutes was quite normal.
Yet now suddenly, for today’s generation this is somehow unacceptable?
You shouldn’t have played this game to begin with if you can’t handle 25 min queues, you god damn snowflake.

I played retail 2007-2010 on the horde side never remember any problems with queues in battleground… If you have any evidence from forum or youtube with proof dates, please be my guest - post it here lets see. Because everyone can say whatever they want and how true it is everyone know.

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Lol, why on earth should I have to dig up old youtube videos just to prove a point? You really think I’m going to sift through for hours, waiting for some blurry video from 2008 to briefly show a queue time when the guy hovers his mouse over it?

And are you really claiming you had instant queues as horde in 2007-2010?
Because I played horde since 2006 myself until I quit in cata, and a 20 min wait time was the absolute minimum that we could expect during those years.
25 minutes? Just deal with it, snowflake.

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It’s bad. Simple

Im not nowadays kid. Im a dad with 3 daughters, and with a few time to play and still we love WoW and want to play it. This way we cant. If you have life, work, family u wont have time for that queues. Its nice if u have that amount of time :).

We’re in 2021, most players will not be waiting 10 or 20+mins to join a simple battleground, better off playing some other game.
Blizzard has been losing lots of subscriptions lately, if HvH doesn’t come back I think the TBC PvP scene will pretty much die.

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Perhaps you we’re more patient back then or so, it was a different time and people were duelling all over the place- you were entertained untill the BG queue popped.
Que time was around 10 minutes during the day and about 20 minutes at night, and thats for WSG the only BG I did and the one with the shortest queues.

Too bad, TBC aint for you then if you cant even wait 25 mins for a BG.
Play something else and leave TBC as is for the rest of us.

Then play something else, TBC is obviously not the game for you.
Nothing wrong in that, just find something else.