Feedback: Same-Faction Battlegrounds Test

Both way transfers wouldnt work, it would have to be h->a only

did u even played wotlk?

Talking about faction transfer that would fix the problem

open faction change !!! Horde > Aliance free or pay ! pvp is total dead unplayed !

so alliance has 5h queue? :smiley: no thanks undeads can stay where they are

Enable Horde vs Horde at once, alliance have no business to even comment on this matter.

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Why wouldn’t alliance have a comment on it?

stop crying, just reroll alliance or do you like your racials?

There is a saying : you like racial be pacient!

to protest gank the sh*t out of the leveling alliance while waiting in the queue, it’s quite fun to see how desperately they are trying to escape

ah they are doing fine when they think about how you wait 1hour to get stomped by an alliance premade


This is the problem. Uneducated and ignorant Alliance thinking they have any say in HvH battlegrounds. It has no impact on your game play whatsoever. This is something that ONLY impacts Horde players wanting to fight in battlegrounds.

As for the moronic statement “Re-roll Alliance” please… Why should we. We are entitled to have as much ease entering BGs as you do.

So shush now, and jog on with your cretinous replies of “Horde has better racials”

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Where are your posts about not ganking ally from back during phase 2 then? When on many servers not even IF was a safe place and anyone 48+ was basicly free game? even though ypu could easly find a group for brd for exam it could easly take over a hour to get from the closest flight point to the dungeon? Seeing as we were entiteled to have as much ease of entering dungeons as the horde did back then but we didnt.

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undead male rog/mage tears are the best tears :smiley:

Well, your stupidity shines forth yet again, since no where did I show tears, just pointed out your ignorant and cretinous replies.

Please try again, I await your moronic reply.

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