Just f*****g add the fix permanently and stop yoyoing. People pay for this game you absolute toilet of a company.
Add it back. Actually made the game playable. Now its awful.
With this queue times there will not be “the rest of us”.
This queues times are unnacceptable for any faction. They need to let everyone play the game again with HvH Bg’s enabled.
Why alliance players like you want hordes to have long queues? Whats the point? No horde will reroll alliance to help your a**, hordes will quit the game instead. Faction balance is an issue that can’t be solved with long BG queues for horde.
What makes you think “we” (whoever that is) “want” you to have longer queues? I doubt that hardly any alliance want you to experience longer queues, if you believe that then you deliberately misunderstand the position.
I personally dont want changes of this magnitude to the game, and I am way more worried about faction imbalance which is awful on pvp servers atm. And personally I played horde for so many years that I just learned to deal with 40 minute queues. Today’s generation are a bunch of whiners that just want instant gratification. You’d have to be living under a rock if you didn’t know that horde has bad queues, so there’s no point whining about it post fact.
Agree, they should hard nerf some horde radicals.
If it’s just a computer game and not an escape from reality, why whine then?
I’m not the one whining like my life depended on it.
For sake, please re activate HvH we are waiting 30Mn+ for a BG. How are we supposed to farm S2 gear ???
“instant gratification” really you’re gonna go with that one for this issue in an attempt to argue in favor of god damn 40-50 minute queues which before HvH were +1 hour queues?
please, gtfo with that BS.
its not much of an escape from reality when you sit in shattrath doing **** all.
gonna run a dungeon/heroic dungeon? Whoops sorry guys, my queue popped, now you’ve wasted your own and other peoples time.
you gonna go mine/herb/skin something? yeah what an escape from reality, replace IRL mundane work with ingame mundane work. what a great recipe for fun and escapism.
Not even close to being that in original. Stop making things up, makes you look more of a whiner than usual.
Really. I played since Beta as Horde, never were ANY BG queues 45 mins. Damn, even AV wasnt that bad, and those battles could go on for 3 days. So stop making stuff up, makes you look pathetic
There were.
AV especially om horde side could take from 1-2 hours to get into in vanilla in the worst case.
I remember that clearly, since I was trying to get into AV at 51 to gear my UD priest with the cold forged 1h mace at that time, and I was wondering if the queue was bugged since I had gotten quicker into the other BGs up until then.
And I also remember clearly that once I was in subsequent AVs, I’d try to stay as long as possible in the hopes of seeing the win (could take an entire day if unlucky, usually decided by us finally summoning the ice lord), because dropping out could mean a very long wait to get back in.
WSG/AB wasn’t that bad, but still 20 mins or more, and in late TBC it could take 40 mins in some cases if outside the weekend.
still no update…
If the add HvH they might aswell offer faction transfers.
an utter fail? what are you talking about this was the only thing that kept most of horde players from only raidlogging or quitting xD we are not 13 anymore and can wait 30 to 60 mins für a BG.
I wonder if Blizzard are still coming back to this thread to read all your thoughts on this.
If not they should lock it.
or dont react at all like they do all the time.
BUMPING the thread !!!
(So Blizzard know it exists or whats left of it)
So in the end, I just re-rolled Horde. It’s what I played in Vanilla and I like horde (love undead animations the best), but also like some form of balance. It sucks I have to re-level but oh well. I am sure when WoTLK drops everyone will be Alliance Humans.
i will transfer ally for 1k winter and go back horde when im geared