Feedback: Stormbringer

Since Blizzard wont make an official post, here is my personal yap about Stormbringer, as an enhancement player. Feel free to yap from an elemental PoV.

Stormbringer pseudo-forces you into playing stormbuild, as the hero tree mentions Stormstrike. Stormstrike is incredibly low value for elementalist.
Therefore these design concerns are with storm in mind.

  • Supercharge doesnt matter as Spenders have less value than Stormstrike in ST.
    Also, There is already refunds in Static Accumulation.
    Would love to see it just have some effect like “Strike twice” for your spenders.

  • Arc Discharge is a concerning talent considering it sounds a lot like Stormkeeper which we had in Shadowlands.
    Unfortunately, Stormkeeper charges took higher prio than spending actual Maelstrom weapon stacks. Which made the rotation clunky.
    I think it should be slightly remade to
    “If Tempest hits more than one target, your next 3 Stormstrike, Lava Lash, or Ice Strike will send out a Chain lightning with a maelstrom weapon value of 5”

  • Awakening Storms is really the biggest enforcer of Storm build over Elementalist.
    I think Stormstrike should be removed from the tooltip and then guarantee the proc for Lightning bolt and Chain lightning to Proc Awakening Storms - as they are the spenders.

  • Shaman is one of the most weak specs, defensively.
    That’s why its incredibly important for Nature’s Protection to have a very high uptime to combat it.
    While i don’t know the current percentage of uptime, i think a 6 second duration is way too low.
    Especially as in some cases it would mean that we would need to align a tempest proc with a damage window.
    Thats bad gameplay. Maybe increase it to 10 seconds.

  • Lightning rod is a sick addition to the enhancement roster, As it makes mass AoE more potent. Tempest itself also does that.
    Storm is a build that is very burst oriented, but unfortunately the biggest burst component here is DRE. Which is RNG.
    Would love to see DRE being consistant in the future.
    Like making it “every 12 Stormstrikes makes you enter Ascendance for 6 seconds.”

  • On the note of Ascendance, a very important talent for Ascendance is Thorim’s Invocation.
    Since Tempest replaces Lightning bolt, will change your Thorim’s Invocation?
    If your last spender was Chain lightning, will Tempest force it to Lightning bolt?
    Season 2 DF tierset gave this unfun gameplay with ‘priming’ (the term for what spender you last used) Where in ST if you proc DRE while inside your Sundering window where you are using Chain lightning cause it was a damage increase, your whole DRE window was using chain lightning or you had to spend all your maelstrom and time priming back to lightning bolt.
    Its very important that Tempest doesnt do anything to Thorim’s Invocation.

For elementalist.
Will Tempest work with Primordial wave?

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Oh my god stoped reading at forced playing into stormbuild, you can take Totemic any other day, shut up go away touch grass you’re probably a Lava Burst enjoyer too go play a Demon hunter just shut up and go away opinion discarded

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Btw there is an official post on TWW forums, but people with alpha can post there (which is pretty obvious, since blizz wants feedback from those that playtest the specs).

Will correct some “mistakes”/“assumptions” in your post (slight but need clarification):

This is the dynamic that the hero spec changes. Because now Tempest counts MSW SPENT, it seems that blizzard will work towards making you spent instead of using SS. I doubt storm build will remain as it is using stormbringer.

Yes, I also do not really like that talent.

There is a slight details that you missed that completely changes that. Awakening storm uses PPM (precisely 5ppm), which means that even if you press 10 or 50 times SS during that minute, you will have more or less the same amount of procs. I do not think that this talent is forcing storm vs elementalist at all.

From logs from S2 DF where I saw rashok, I had a little more than 130 MSW/m generated. Making the assumption that we will have something similar, this amounts to 3,3 tempest plus 1,4 from awakening storms.
So we are looking close to 5 tempest inside a 60 second window, translating to 30 sec uptime. Probably will be somewhere 40-60% uptime (which is pretty good, translating to 4-6% dr).

Seems to be firing in beta from what ppl in discord said.

From my PoV the issues I find are the below:

  • “Forced” into storm: I do not have a problem with this. There are many people that like storm and I also find it fun once in a while. Also seems that the spec addresses some of the main issues with storm with giving high prio to spenders.

  • Unlimited Power seems to be working as FFW, meaning that it builds over 15 seconds and then drops. I would prefer it would not work in cycles, but work like ironfur.

  • Arc Discharge node feels abit bad as a choice, since it is a straight up aoe/st choice. Could easily be switched to a single one (since you always activate one vs the other). As for the storekeeper effect, I am not so thrilled to see it return.

I mean, sounds like you need to touch some grass. The dude provided his opinion, same as you.
If you expected that with 2 hero talents trees one would not build into storm and the other into elementalist, then I do not know what to say.

You and OP are the two dudes posting excel spreadsheet style fever dreams on how you can be 0.3% better on a m+ pull, no style, no fun, no grass

Was just hoping that it would be more stormstrike specific but i guess now our damage really would be from elementals spells :frowning: At least its not the stupid primordial wave but for the love of god why did enchancement become elemental close range

it is a good thing but the problem is that all power currently is in DRE and this is what gorces you to spam stormstrike, not because stormstrike is any good.
stormstrike itself hits like a wet noodle

if anything they could make DRE like pulsar and make it proc after spending 50 or 100 msw which would make sure you want to spend your msw as priority as the design would suggest. would also remove a big rng element.
would it be perfect? surely not but much better than what we have now

wouldnt be to sure about that.
if you can blast out 5 tempest with pmw it might does so much dmg that it forces you to play that rubbish

No you cannot, people tested on alpha.

Yeah I also feel similarly for DRE.

On the one hand, SS feels like a good builder, on the other hand, I do not think it would make much of a difference if SS was 15-25% instead of 5% of my damage, as long as the gameplay was similar.

Dunno, I feel like DRE would feel way better as a PPM ability. It would:

  • disincentive SS spamming above all else, but would still keep it as the main button on the rotation.

  • Reduce the lower/higher rng cases.

  • Lower the punishment for losing uptime.

  • Make the choice of DRE/Ascendance easier to balance.

But to be fair, holding abit to see what they are cooking with our class/spec trees for beta.

many options while any would be better than what we have currently.

in the end i doubt they can balance anything remotely close so that you will need to play whatever does more dmg anyways, same as now.

the sad part is that storm on dummies does similar dmg as elementalist but it cannot be reproduced in a dungeon run.
also ST feels really terrible.

i dont see how stormbringer will address any of these problems.

for me both builds currently have major annoyances which makes me not want to play enhance.
for once it is the tab target game, then the flameshock spreading game for pmw gcd fiesta and then ice strike which is just stupid bloat

Okay dude.
I will indeed just play whats best, but the idea of having 2 very different builds is slightly outdated and i hope that they intend for our hero trees to be played by both builds.

The fact that you see ‘touch grass’ as an insult means that you have rare encounters with it as well.

It seems like you just want a reason to be angry.

Also, stopped*.

Idk it’s probably a functional addition to the spec but nothing about it makes me personally go WOW. When I see rider of the apocalypse or diabolist or scalecommander or voidweaver I go WOW that spec looks really cool, I want to play it! When I look at stormbringer however I go like “hmm, there is some cool synergy here but at the end of the day you’re just casting more lightning bolts” and that’s basically it, you just cast more lightning bolts.

For what I’m provided with, both on opinions like this and Videos at our disposal, Shaman will have even more problems.

I believe, that for this class to be fix, it needs a revamp on its skills.
Some talent effects should be merged to the current skills we already have.

At the moment, the class got way to many things, shaman Enhancement is to complex right now and it’s like a total “mess”, to many stuff flashing , it’s all.about proc effects, and buffs. And it’s getting frustrating to run M+ with it.

The StormBringer sounds a good idea, but the class itself needs to be simplified.
There are too many skills that overlap. I don’t want to be pressing 7 skills to provide impact on my M+ / Raid Group.
I want consistency.

We are only getting more skills to buff us. It’s going to be very confusing and momentarily buff. With all the things going on the raid and M+ , we will probably lose the DPS momentum just like it’s happening right now.

the issue with elementalist is that you should do too many things at once and it becomes priority even though the game tells you to press the glowy button. but if you have 5 glowy buttons it feels bad.

part of the problem is hothand because with the haste buff it makes lava lash a 2s cd while you also want to spend your msw and also hailstorm but you also have to press ice strike.
so you have to choose to over cap, not to press ll or not to press hailstorm and overcap the proc
now wolves also come of cd and pmw also comes off cd and suddenly it feels completly messed

I mean its just very skill expressive.

That you understand which ability is worth more at each given moment, is a sign of mastery.

Not a lot of mastery showcasing in the stormbuild.
If you can press Stormstrike, and choose to press something else (in ST) then you are making a mistake.

They cooked a masterpiece in Elementalist and still have the choice for an easier build for those not wanting to take the time to learn the harder build.