Feedback stormstrike

Still trying to make them put in all weapons 2 hand and 1 hand alike. If the change was to make new player experience better it makes sense (to me atleast) to put in all weapons. Makes more sense to have like a staff and want to try enhancement then a shield. If you go shield your most likely already decided to go resto or ele. But with a staff it could go any way. I must admit i still dont understand the reason. Some ppl have told me its cause its hard to get a second weapon. But that makes 0 sense to me with all thw weapon vendors around. Yes its white quality but that dosnt matter when lvling anyway?
Anyway i really do hope they will include all weapons just for stormstrike. Makes most sense for new player experience and also makes lvling more fun atleast i think it does. Could also do same for doomwinds and icestrike. Well doomwinds atleast. As it actually used to be able to be done. And itnwas fun!