Feedback: Warlocks

Really short:

Affliction: make talent that passively spread Corruption / Agony

Demonology: make dogs instacast.

Destruction: make talents that synergies with Chaos Bolt work with Shadowburn as well.

Hello there, I have pretty big consern about the DoomGard and his Aoe being gone. This talent and Doom talent will not see the play Blizz wanted. Most build wont include Doom pathing. But if shodowboltvalley comes back the talent would be so much fun and so much more viable. Curent version is like meh probably not gonna play it.

Also it would be really nice to trim the talent point in warlocks class tree so we can actualy move some talents, in todys version you are pretty much lock in and cant rly change anything. I would love to play the new talent for better Soulstone but i dont have points for it.

And Burning rush need significant buff. Now its taking too much healt on thick, definitly needs a buff.

And lastly please make dogos garantee Demon core, so much smoother and better gameplay. Also the talent when you summon fellguard it gives you Demon core when he expires. You should get the core when you sumon him so you can actualy use it for the Tyrant rotation.

Thank you and hopfully some will agree.