Feedback Windwalker Monk

Dear Blizzard,

My English is very poor so my apoligies in advance.

First I want to thank you for the great work so far the new expansion looking very promising.

I’ve been playing a lot of M+'s in Dragonflight, mainly as a healer (resto druid, disc and mistweaver) and even got 3.5k current season. Due RL reasons I couldnt commit pushing more so I started to play casually and started to play WW monk.

There are a few things I really hope will change when war within launches.

Bloodlust or combat ress
if monk is not A-tier there is no reason to bring us. Which I can understand. But what would help is giving us either CR or BL. It will give a lot of our fellow monks a place even while not meta. I think both fits into our class fantasy. Now we lost both avoidance and healing buff I think its justified more to give us one of these. Please think about it.

Interrupt during FoF
There are so many times I need to interrupt but when I cast FoF I cant do it. So either I have to choose to stop my FoF and interrupt or take the risk . It would be great QoL change if you fix this.

You give us the opportunity to dispell enrage with paralyse, I would love if it would be a choice node to also dispell a magic buff.

It seems we wont stack versa anymore and losing dampen harm Im very concerned we might not have anough defensives to stay a live at higher keys. Im not sure if this will be the case but I hope you can have a look at it.

Thanks for reading, I hope you will take a look at my feedback.