Feeling overwhelmed - Too many Currencies

ill start off by admitting I am an older player, I have no desires to push mythic anything (including dungeons) anymore, I am perfectly happy doing heroic dungeons, LFR, and maybe a pug raid or two at some point.

What I am really struggling with is getting my head around all the difference currencies and there respective uses.

Do we really need to have so many, it’s go to the point where it now (for me at least) feels like a cheap mobile game where they deliberately hide the costs of things behind multiple levels of currency.

Anyway, rant over…


One of the reasons I’m not really enjoying TWW (coming back from classic Cata) is exactly as you describe: there’s just too many different things to try and work out what to do with.

But the other issue is timed runs (M+ dungeons) and retail players wanting to finish everything as fast as possible and expecting everyone in the group to instantly know all tactics etc and be perfect on rotations: despite not having played the place before or played retail in forever.

Plus the time gating on levelling crafting and yet more hoops to jump through…

Retail feels like a spam fest of currencies, time gates, rush rush and plenty of no-lifers who seem to think playing a game for every waking hour is the pinnacle of their life and achievements.

I don’t generally raid, as I have a busy social life and usually raid schedules don’t fit in with that, or start too early for me. So like you, older player who will enjoy skimming the edges and then go back to the simplier times before M+ made everyone into toxic speed demons.


It is a lot of currencies. But…

I’ve taken a different approach to WoW this expack. There is plenty to learn, but also plenty of time to learn it in. We don’t need to know how all the new stuff works by the end of the first couple of weeks. I’m exploring the zones, learning about the content and currencies etc at a gentler pace than usual and am enjoying the game more as a result. It isn’t just M+ runners who suffer from an adrenaline-fuelled go go go mentailty, I think it has infected wider society as a whole and we can all learn to calm things down a little.

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Then dont play m+ if its not for you and if you have a busy social life :smiley: , or you can play pvp which i prefer to do as it takes less time and you can do it whenever you want and stop whenever you want.You have to understand tho that there are people that want to push m+ and speedrun it for whatever reason they have you can’t just hate on them bcs they dont want you in their grp as you said you have busy life why should you care if someone wants to be a toxic speed demon.

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