Feeling the pressure to level fast? (Mature players, minimum 35 age req. No raids for first 12 weeks of TBC)

No problem at all :slight_smile: I thought the post was already long enough :stuck_out_tongue: without me going into the details of all the specific policies too!

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It was and it’s still a bad idea.

You’re effectively saying “fed up having to play at the same pace as people with X amount of time, come play with us where you must play at Y pace in order to play with us”

Exactly what harm does someone doing kara when its current and hes 1 reset ahead of the first guild run do? I understand the idea of playing together and forming a group but…you’re basically just asking people to play at your pace and your pace alone.


Just don’t join the guild? People are free to make or join whatever guild they want. If you don’t like it, why not just go to a guild you do like?

Seems pointless to keep posting on a guilds thread about it, those are their rules. I doubt they will change cos some guy is whining about it that’s not even in the guild?

I think it’s a pretty good idea and i see the reasons behind it, it seems mainly to stop other players feeling like they have to rush through the content.

If the players are older with lots of commitments, it will probably take them a month to do 60-70 plus all the attunement quests anyway.

Sure. Just saying.

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Im 49 soon and i’m a bloody big kid!

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Still recruiting all classes and specs, although we are starting to fill up now :slight_smile:

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Join me and the other levelling for TBC!

Gief belfs first.

I’m 35 years old and I also play on Mirage Raceway so I will give my 2c. Having rules in place where people can’t pug raids even though you’re not intending to raid for a whole month is bad news to any potential recruit.

Older or not, plenty of people will still be eager to get into Karazhan in the first weeks of TBC and having a maximum roster of 40 players also leaves little room for socials and new recruits to keep your guild active and raid team healthy, many players will quit TBC once the new paint smell has worn off, in particular the more casual/older crowd who have other priorities.

You’re also raiding really late, which may be helpful if you want to game after the kids have gone to bed but not very helpful if you have to get up for work at 6 in the morning. I feel like such a guild would be a nightmare, because you’re so laid back you’re practically falling over, but then you also raid late and have the strict restrictive rules in place.

I raid in Shadowlands, our raids are over by 22:00 server time and people are already getting ready for bed to get up for work in the morning.

Still looking for all classes and specs, half full now.

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Still spots open for all classes :slight_smile:

down to the last 10 spots available

still looking for a few more players, would prefer casters (mage, warlock) but taking all classes apart from shaman as we are full on those. Apply on our discord

Nearly full, still a few spots open, no warlocks or shaman please, all other classes welcome :). All applications are via discord.

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We are now full, thanks for all you interest. Discord link is now defunct.

Got a few more spots open as our raid schedule didn’t suit some people.

Enjoy TBC!

Sorry guys, closed again, just way more apps and people than we can handle. Thanks for all your interest!

Wrong, there IS a reason.

Being 29 - I’m ineligible to apply for this guild, but I 100% respect their rule of 35 and I really hope they retain and enforce it.

As time goes on, the general / average / collective attitude of each younger generation gets worse and worse.

At the moment - the anime, twitter, virtue signalling, cool-to-be-depressed, outrage/cancel culture, twitch chat, emoji, pink hair, sex obsessed, meme, start-a-sentence-with-“ok so…”-or-“but can we…” on social media, onlyfans, junkie, ahego, sdfgsdfgadsfg… generation is objectively the most insufferable, disgusting, nails-on-a-chalkboard generation to have ever existed… and people degraded to this level of degeneracy - regressively (progression is too positive a word in this scenario), therefore it’s perfectly logical to set quite a distant line on that scale of “regression” between this monstrosity of a generation - and your guild.

Hi there Bxx.

You are more than welcome to apply to our guild. The age thing is just a guide to try to get people of that mindset. If you feel our mindset applies to you too, you are most welcome to apply. Please reply to me here if you are interested and i can sort out a discord invite.