Feeling the pressure to level fast? (Mature players, minimum 35 age req. No raids for first 12 weeks of TBC)

Archelon is a new and unique TBC guild project for players age 35+ on Mirage Raceway PVE - Horde

We know there are lots of ‘original’ players returning for TBC classic who don’t have the time they used to have to play WoW due to work/family commitments, but still want to raid and clear content.

Although there are already late night/limited play time guilds around, Archelon is more than this as its whole ethos is designed around being a sanctuary for older wow players to play in peace and have an overall relaxed experience. If you are after a chilled experience, with no ganking / griefing / pressure to play non stop / keep up with younger players with oceans of time to play, then this is the guild for you.

We are specifically aimed at catering for players who want to clear all the TBC content in a focussed manner but don’t want to do it in a time pressured environment. We will aim to clear all TBC content but at our own pace through the course of the expansion.

If you are the kind of player that will log into TBC the day of launch, play without sleeping for 3 days to get to 70 and then feel frustrated we are not raiding Black Temple after a week, this is NOT the guild for you.

What we are

  • We are aiming for players returning specifically for TBC. To this end, we are primarily a levelling guild at the moment, with the only aim being to be 60 by TBC launch (all done at your own pace).

  • There will be NO raids in classic.

  • We will have an initial period of 12 weeks from launch for people to level up and get their initial attunements done, so people have plenty of time to enjoy the levelling and gearing experience without feeling like they have to rush.

  • There will be no pugging of raids before this time, we raid together as a guild, we are all about community.

  • You can play whatever class and spec you like, we do not care about the meta game and will not be slaves to whatever min/max meta is created by the community for TBC classic

  • This applies to professions too, take whichever ones you want

  • Enchants will be required for raiding but consumables will only be required should we get stuck somewhere

  • There were crazy meta game raiding requirements put on players by the community for classic wow which many found destroyed classic for them, only to then find that raids could essentially be cleared in green gear. We have no interest in the min/max meta and will clear it with whatever players we have in the guild at the time regardless of class/spec/profs etc. The player base is 100 times better than they were in 2007, everything is known and so the overall difficulty will be relatively low, especially for players coming from retail wow.

  • Guild ethos is extremely important and we want to make sure that we have players that all have a similar kind of attitude, outlook and time to put into the game. This will mainly be older players with families, job commitments etc. For this reason, joining the guild will be on an application only basis with a limit of 40 players

  • We are after a chilled, relaxed but organised experience with steady progress throughout the course of TBC classic.

  • Through the age limit applied, we will make sure we have a mature and relaxed guild with no drama or bust ups, just a solid bunch of people playing together and having fun.

  • We will raid twice a week, starting at 2200 server time until 0030 server time (2 hours 30 mins).

  • All loot will be distributed via EPGP.

If you like the sound of this project, then please head over to our discord at: h*tps://discord.gg/GNycrDpKme and fill out our application form in as much detail as possible. As mentioned, places are limited and once we are full, we will only take new players on a one out, one in basis.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Could do with a guild like this for the Alliance… I just can’t play horde come TBC as I NEED to relive my Draenie shaman leveling from back in the day :slightly_smiling_face:

Great idea though and best of luck to you all!


Sorry to butt in on this guys recruit thread

I can recommend the Alliance guild Nighthaven on Pyrewood Village.

They are the friendliest and most helpful bunch of people I’ve ever met in all my entirety of playing WOW

Good luck with your guild on Mirage Raceway!


Well if you change your mind, you know where we are, you would be most welcome, and of course, horde are the original shaman side, as we know :wink:

Of course not. The guild is about the ethos of the players we want inside it. If you are 34 but feel the guild ethos matches what you are after, we would of course take you. :slight_smile:

Is it discrimination to make a guild that say only speaks ‘x’ language?
Because there are plenty of them out there m8, best to have a think before you start trash talking online

Discrimination is the act of making unjustified distinctions between human beings.

It’s not discrimination to require that people speak the same language. That’s not unjust. You have full control over the language you speak and they have a real actual reason to require that.

There are no justified reason to discriminate based on age here. The only exception would be to not allowed children in a guild for adults. That could be justified.


Okay so move on?
No need to drag the thread down with your negativity

This is awesome. Hope you will have a great time. I would apply, but i will be going too hard. I bet you guys will enjoy tbc. Good luck!

Ps. This dwarf dude soyboy attacking…i mean why are you here? Be positive and join a guild you like. Don’t spread this negativity around.

Whilst I broadly support your objectives here (with the exception of banning your members from doing PuG raids, which seems excessively heavy-handed and authoritarian) how can you actually be sure that a prospective member is aged 35 or over?

Some points to consider:

Are you going to demand scans of birth certificates, passports etc. (which can be forged by anyone with decent Photoshop skills) or are you going to take it purely on faith?

How flexible are you prepared to be? What if a person wants to join who is aged 34, is extremely sociable, friendly, mature, well-mannered, helpful, and with demonstrable skill in the game? Will you simply tell him/her do not meet the criteria and to try again after their birthday, or are you prepared to employ some flexibility?

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Jesus dude calm down O_o

The man has come up with a good idea and no doubt the 35 age thing is only to point out that the guild will be a “slower than usual” progressive guild that won’t /gkick you if you suddenly AFK to go sort your kid out mid raid.

Most progressing guilds would rather you didn’t join if you had any commitments that may spring up suddenly and to be honest the fact you’re so hung up on “actual age discrimination” tells me you’re not mature enough to be a part of it anyway so why waste your time complaining here?

By your logic, those recruiting "(X country) guild looking to recruit (X speaking) players, Is also discrimination. People enjoy playing with those with likewise interests and life commitments.

I for one wouldn’t feel good about joining a guild where the majority chat in another language and/or are hard core raiders with enough time to spam days on end.

This does not mean I discriminate against those guilds, it’s just that I simply would be better suited to a predominantly English speaking social guild.

At lvl 28 you could enter SM cath but you don’t as its just not the best thing for you right now so you stick to gy :wink::yum: (unless being boosted lol) No discrimination, just common sense.

21 to drink in America, 21 to book a holiday on a Sandals resort… the list goes on.

Simple fact is that there will be many people more mature than a 21 year old at 18-20 but the rule us there to detract from those not mature enough to take part in drinking/adult holidays.

So either lie about your age and hope you fit the bill or just don’t bother trying.

Why stress yourself out trying to be apart of something you’re so passionately against.

It’s a game,
It’s a guild,

Just go about your day and chill out as this is not a major issue to be spending your evening protesting against :rofl:

I see this as an attempt to get mature players into a guild. The problem is players above 35 can also be very childish.


Can confirm.

I was in right up until i saw that there will be no pugging of any kind while people wait to get raiding.

Sorry thats just not a good idea.


I agree.

It’s understandable that a progression guild might want to limit it’s members effectively ‘fighting for the opposition’, and if they’re working on SST and a member clears it with a bunch of strangers ahead of their guild, then yeah it’s conceivable that it could cause a lot of ill will and drama, along with all the various raid lockout problems.

But imagine a scenario in which the guild are all working on SST on Fridays and Saturdays, and Bob has a friend outside the guild who asks him to heal in Khara on Tuesday - who is it going to hurt?

Obviously the no pugging rule wont apply to previous tiers or if you have missed the guilds raid that week for whatever reason.

The rule is applicable in the first month of the game so people don’r feel under pressure from other players to rush through the content.

I would have thought that would be self explanatory.

Thanks very much for the clarification. Yes that makes sense now.

Perhaps it’s self explanatory, then again, never assume that this is the case. If you leave any room for ambiguity, even if you consider it ‘obvious’, someone out there will put two and two together and make five.