Feels good #PositiveReinforment!

See, proof that someone cares!

Fssh qam ak’agathShi Fssh qam h’iwn

Join! Be part of the happy family too!

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This is what it says. (Grats)

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Oh, right, that’s said to those of us who kept the eye and the dagger. I’m glad there’s acknowledgement : ) I hope there’ll be more

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I personally really enjoyed the whole N’zoth Chosen line, as it at the time seemed like something put quite a bit of effort into. Between the 3rd PvP faction, small events and the own unlocked language, it was a ton of fun.

Really hope they don’t forget about this totally and continue to branch of this very RP element of the game.

Why? Because it is silly and quite fun :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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