Fel Domination 15 min cooldown is too long!

-So can you reduce fel domination cooldown to 1-2 minutes? and make it summon the pet instantly?
I am Tanking on my guild and everytime i get killed by a boss in a raid and fel domination is on cooldown i cant recover.(playing MD ruin)

-Also in pvp u havent touched pets’s DR and they get 1 shot.

-You have reduced cold snap to a 5min cooldown from 10min and its faaaar superior cooldown than fel domination.
-Even rogues from a tier set can get 1 min Vanish Cd
-Warriors shieldwall? 5min from 30 and with t3 goes to 2mins.

Fel domination must be buffed.

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yeah that’s why i still play with the bwl weapon in pvp otherwise warlock would be truly unplayable.

also it’s not just the DR that doesnt work in bg, the additionnal health doesn’t work on pets either.

2min should be nice for fel domination