This has to be the dumbest thing blizzard ever put into the game.
You have to send your imp into a portal and HOPE to get a Legion Portal Tuner. You then use that item on a portal and again send your imp in, again hoping it comes back with a Portal Tuner Tuners. Combine thise two items and you get a Overcharged Portal Tuner. Now guess what! You use that item on a portal and AGAIN send your imp in, again hoping for it to come back with the rune…
So this is RNG → RNG → RNG… You litterally have to get insanely lucky 3 times in a row!
Blizzard! How can this be a thing… Please change the drop chances of items in thise portals. Doing them like this I don´t mind. But doing over 100 portals so far, is simply not enjoyable part of the game…
Warlocks, devs the most hated class.
Just make those portals usable by paladins and we’ll have buffs in no time.
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warlocks low key being trolled by the devs.
seems every class that used to shine a bit too bright in the past (such as warlock in TBC) is being taken down a significant peg, one way or another… for warriors is the sheer state of gimpdom, for warlocks its crazy grinds, for mages its “play healer or else” (this technique seems to have backfired as mages seem to be enjoying themselves) and for hunters its… well hunter remains the same BS.
hard to sympathize after 20 years of “yikes, this guy plays enh meme” and “are we seriously going to allow this guy to roll on [item] ??” though, so yeah,
you get what you deserve.
Overcharged Portal tuner is buyable in the ah, 20g and here you go.
But i get what you mean
honest mate just sit in noxious glade in EPL. farm the mobs for scourgestones with your rune on. 4 or 5 potential portals up easy mode. oh and the adepts drops greater shadow protection potion recipe so win win.
yes the RNG is absolutely cronic, the complete lack of thought for anyone other than an affliction lock for the trinket is nothing short of disgusting. i dont even have modas karkun and id of at least though they of have have given and portal option from the red fire one to obtain at minimum something to upgrade it with. and again lets not even go their with the utterly abysmal drops for stuff. overcharge a portal and it come sback with mithril and thorium bar from an EPL portal. -.-. these things could have and should have been so good. no random BoE’s blues anymore. arcane crystals have fallen through the floor. essence of fire the same. trust me you dont farm portals to make any amount of decent gold. and other than a trinket that pretty useless unless your affliction theirs actuyally very little point to doing them. and the utter kick in the teeth, the darkwhisper gorge ones are so far out the way with the elite mobs is just not even worth venturing to do them. a great idea but so miserably failed i literally only send the imp in if im up their farming scourgestones
It’s ironic the guy saying this is playing horde lol. Surely you mean shamans.
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Honestly, the amount of portals available and the respawn times need to be updated. We need more portals open and a faster respawn time on them. Feels like it takes hours just to find one most of the time.
30 green portals, 300+ scars opened and still no Zila Gular…
Yesterday we had over 40 red portals in a row from Overcharged Portal Tuners.
This grind is ridiculous
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As much as I feel your pain, sims show that zila gular amounts to 20-30 extra dps tops. And that’s with ToEP and other buffs. So is it really worth the effort?
honestly no. but when blue items are actually rarer than epics. thats a problem