Fel Rush bug

Sometimes while gliding or just being in mid-air, when I cast Fel Rush I’m stuck in place after the animation plays out. It’s like I’m hitting an invisible wall or the game doesn’t want me to keep the momentum going after rushing forwards… Looks like this is totally RNG because sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t. It can completely mess up things especially in the Phase 2 of Sylvanas Windrunner boss fight, where you gotta kick that Ruin ability as fast as possible, while crossing uncomfortable bridges with 10 gaps each. If I can’t really use that ability at that phase, or just use it properly at the end of the day because of the fear that Ill be stuck in place, and fall from the bridge… I may just quit DH for 9.1 and go play a less mobile class. It really bothers me for quite some time now, and I’m surprised people are not talking about it. Maybe it’s some kind of anti-cheat code in the game and so when I’m casting Fel Rush while mid-air, it thinks that I wanna do some flying hack thing and legit prevents the whole movement and momentum generated from Fel Rush. There was also a similar issue about Fel Rush back in Bfa, the great Fel Rush to the Moon, that sometimes when casting it, you were legit just getting launched 200 yards away. I had no issue with that because it was hilarious.


Have the same issue but only in Stormwind after i enter the portal room…

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Unfortunately these issues have been around since Legion. Though they only appear to happen mostly within the open world and not instanced content (Raids etc.).

I remember in Deliverance Point, if you got the ‘to the moon dash’ you could get to the raid portal faster than a mount.

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