Female felguard?

Seeing how we got incubus.

And Demonologists are stuck with felguard.

doesnt work lore wise.
There are no “female” felguards, they are from a brutish race called mo’arg and resembled closet to kobolds in their non-demon form.
Every single type of thier form has been shown already and none resemble anything female.


All those arguments could be used for the succubus too.

Yet here we are with the incubus.

We both know why incubus was suddenly added lol


Mommy felguard would make the awful changes go down a bit easier… :flushed:


Havent stopped blizzard before!
Female felguard it is.

Like wouldn’t have been game breaking to have something akin to Diablo barbarian in shape.

incubus works as its stated female succubus are most common (implaying male version exists)
There is nothing of that sorts for the felguard and its variants.

Also instead of making a female felguard just make so you can use all 5 demons as demo without losing dps!
That would solve 2 problems at onces instead of just 1.


FML next you’ll be asking for imps with boobies. It’s becoming World of Wokecraft a little more each day.


For wow, there was nothing like incubus before it’s addition in SL.

Would have been ideal, and it would have been nice to not be forced to sweat imps. But the felguard have been forced on demonolgists for over 10 years, so might as well ask for additional customization instead.

Eh, they already added that back in legion.

While i do have my issues with the alleged woke crowd (mainly just about methodology, not the ideals), this is quite frankly a ridiculous response to a fairly benign request.

Wouldn’t mind an Imp Mother as a Tank pet… :thinking:
Or an Infernal
Anything than that stupid Wrath/Felguard Demonology stucked with
Especially when our portal at the end summons a friggin Annihilan!!!

tank pet shouldn’t even exist at this point , the whole point why tank pet exist back in days were people lvling and mobs were hard and you spend most of your time in open world ,now ?

everyone just 1 shot mobs in world and…

nobody use a voidwalker in mythic+ , raids , pvp or any actual content , hell even in classic one of main reason people used voidwalker cuz the massive shield > fel domination combo to make another massive shield , you can’t even do that anymore

yeah im also not big fan of just felguard and should be removed its talent from demo since im demo main and hate it and just grant us passives that is not linked to only 1 pet

sadly blizzard bait us to believe we are getting new pets for each type and only end up giving imp and felhunter thats it

the virtue is so strong it got added to the “no changes” versions of the game

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Honestly, only complaint with that one is that they didn’t make it a low polygon model.

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