Disclaimer I’m not a good player but want to improve
Looking for tips and advice on feral in especially 3’s with my RSham / Havoc DH
My main issue is L2P granted but my main issues come when I’m focus target which is often. My damage suffers hugely and I’m often at times 10/20mil behind my DH partner.
Do i prioritise kiting pillar until CD CC and try to pre empt with bear? Or do we burn SI etc first?
Also with regards to Rip and Primal Wrath, do we prioritise one over the other or is it just dependant on group spread?
Any thanks!
Sounds to me like you’re too soon posting this instead of practicing.
You ask questions which answers are in the tooltip.
Post a video of you playing if u want proper advice. Also whats your build ?
Bear Weaving in PvP works like this: Are rip and Rake on the target ? yes ? is target ignoring armor > no ? → bear form → 1-3x Brutal Slash → do u take too much damage → run pillar.
Dont forget that Swarm + Bear Regen is OP. And dont forget to play with Strength of the Wild.
Wildstalker with Primal Wrath
I think my main issue is my over use of shred now I’m watching gameplay, leaving me energy starved.
I’ll sink some more hours in then upload so it’s not a waste of time for you guys !
Thanks !
Everyone has different habbits when it comes to feral.
Thrash and Shred are really energy heavy if you press em outside of Omen procs.
One solution i find that works for me is removing Thrash entirely from the talents and taking Merciless Claws.
Another alternative is taking the other talent on the node of Merciless Claws that gives you automatic Thrash but that also means u gotta take Thrash from the druid tree.
Try to spam Brutal Slash more.
And dont forget that Brutal Slash is usable in Bear Form too.
Hope this helps.