Feral against WW Monks?

Idk i just feel like I cannot do ANYTHING against monks. ( i generally struggle against everything cuase design-wise feral is 3 expansions behind but yeah)
Thoughts ?
Like i went down from 2.1 to 1.6 just bc of monks and honestly im pretty frustrated i can never win this silly wonky class and on top of that that they’re getting buffed next reset, im in a full blown depression rn.

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I’ve always found them to be pretty much the perfect counter to ferals, a feral in a stun is weak and man can those guys stun.

dont worry, they buff blackoutkick by 30% next patch, so u die even faster. Kekw

its next reset, which means in 2 days. Its not the next patch.

sry, i meant next hotfix*

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If it’s any consolation, I rolled a 70 monk with my free 70 boost… he’s horde and I can 100% guarantee I will suck at it, so if you do sometime absolutely batter a WW, it will probably be mine :joy:

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