Feral bleeds backdoor nerfed?

I noticed the last few weeks that bleeds are doing way way less then a few weeks ago.

Rip/rake were ticking for 150-170k non-crits easy. Since recently they are going around 100-110k per tick, looked over many games. So it’s not some damage reduction modifiers in play.

Anyone caught some patch notes about this, because I didn’t see them anywhere mentioning bleed nerfs.


Apply Aura: Periodic Damage
Interval: 2 seconds (AP mod: 0.2929)
Mechanic: Bleeding
PVP Multiplier: 1.25

hm, on wow head the Ap/Pvp mod havent changed, so it does not look like a Stealth Nerf

The only thing what i can Imagine here is, that they F the pvp mods up with the Last server restart / incarn nerf

The same what Happend to Mm hunter, they got a Nerf and for some reason the Nerf double Diped mm hunters Abilitys and they went from good dmg, to Dragonflight dmg with Tww Hp

Also weird interactions with Prowl are Happening where u cant use it sometimes until the Arena is over

Havent logged in for a 1 Month now, so i dont know if this is a general Problem, if u face a enemy Feral just check his Details if he have the same problem. because 100-110 Rip ticks are really low.

Checked now for a few days shuffles and seems to be a consitent finding among other feral’s im facing as well. Rip and rake ticks hover around 110k. That is indeed a LOT less then weeks ago when they were going for 160-170k.

This is not the first time I find such things without official release notes, but fiddling behind the screens at numbers really is annoying af. One day you’re playing you’re doing good dmg with bleeds, log next weeks and you just feel something is off. You go look for pvp tunings and to not find anything is just frustrating.

Also 110k ticks on 7mil HP is kinda ridiculous.

So it’s not just me…I first thougth it was cuz general versa is maxxed now, but the drop in bleeds cannot be explained by 5% less dmg taken. The gap is too big. I wish we got some clarity on this

There is no such thing like ‘stealth nerf’.
Blizzard would have mentioned it on patch notes if they nerfed something.

Its just another excuse from feral mains because they can not do their DPS rotation properly. Get good and you wont have problem with your spec.

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Don’t be an idiot. If bleeds tick for 170k abd then 100-110k something is surely nerfed.

I’m not talking about observing 5 games, i’m talking about 50+ games. And not just me but other ferals as well

Talking with Bac reduce your brain cells by 50%.
Please be safe.


but he his, it´s just a troll i think close to everyone have him already on ignore :smiley: