Feral Bleeds

We’re a long way away from the savage feral beasts we used to be, I blame that mostly due to the splitting up of the druid specs, don’t think there was ever any need to make balance or guardian druids back in the day. Felt resto and feral were pretty much fine as they were and there were plenty of of other tank and caster dps specs without needing to add more. So now feral suffers as they’ve given away a lot of what was good about feral, to the other specs and now they can’t be bothered to try to balance the 4 of us.

I dunno about all that.

It’s this simple, people have been asking for buffs to feral bleeds, because it’s the only way feral works

FERALS AREN’T ROGUES, right now feral is literally just assassination rogue minus everything they have like step, blind, sap etc

Just buff our bleeds, that’s literally everything, buff our consistent damage, nothing else.

I mean we could ask for stuff in the future like NS back so we can actually peel effectively with NS + Clone every minute, or we could get a mortal strike effect that we desperately need.

But what it ALL boils down to at the end is that our main mechanic, our bleeds, don’t do any damage.


okay wait wait wait wait waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait

bleed is considered physical damage??? and its damage is further decreased against all the hpalas, rets, warriors as a result?

Yes it is physical damage, the wiki says it ‘‘ignores’’ armor but anyone who has played a feral can feel our damage going into the negative vs warriors and paladins so i dunno, i could just be a dunce

Maybe it’s something else, but it does not feel like bleeds ignore armor

Even if they ignore armor Rip still does less dps than corruption and requires 5 combo points to apply and constant upkeep, useless any way you slice it

Bleeds ignore armor.

More like, Bloodtalons shouldn’t exist, because it’s an absolute gatekeeper for the “bleed build” to ever be good (outside of raiding and high M+ keys).

Bloodtalons is toxic, anti player agency, provides horrible user experience and is incredibly awkward.

Bloodtalons has no place outside of raiding. Bloodtalons simply doesn’t work in any content that isn’t “this target is static and doesn’t have any CC, mobility or other unpredictability”.

Due to how it’s designed (with its % increase to Rip), for as long as it exists it will always be BiS talent whenever bleeds > bites.

This means that since Blizzard wants to retain players, bleeds cannot be BiS (because if they are people will be forced to play Bloodtalons and they’ll quit).

Bleeds will never be buffed until Bloodtalons is removed, as doing so would cause an outrage.

Bloodtalons needs to be removed.

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I agree, Ferals keep saying remove bloodtalons, but instead they just rework it. They’ve reworked bloodtalons what like 4 times now? Instead of just removing it like feral players want.

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Yeah, the problem is Blizzard keeps listening to the ~100 Ferals still playing high end raiding and/or M+, who’re sitting around circlej*rking over “spinning plates” and Bloodtalons in the Druid discord. The echo chamber and survivorship bias is massive.


Yeah, raiding is such a bad metric because they just do the rotation, they barely touch the full kit of feral, or try to use it more diverse content like M+ and PvP where feral is super clunky and janky. They experience it in a vacuum.

Looking at a bunch of logs for damage breakdowns for ferals in top PvP and PvE and Rip + Rake accounts for like 14-15% total damage meanwhile Ferocious Bite is a whopping 50-60% of the total damage.

I’m sure mythic raiders enjoy every class just being a copy paste Builder Spender class but to the non-mythic raider it just feels awful, 0 identity, a kit that doesn’t mesh with the damage distribution, just awful.


This. So much this. This “experience” has been allowed to trump all other playstyles (except bite) as its own “sub-spec” (the bleed build) which is just extremely janky and awkward - the only other option is bite build, and that’s just not what I nor anyone else signed up for.

We need to get rid of or massively re-design the overtly awkward and user unfriendly “bleed build” talents (such as Bloodtalons, Savage Roar, Lunar Inspiration) and re-focus the entire spec on bleeds in a non-janky way (no more sub-specs of bite build vs bleed build).


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