Feral (Cat) PTR Feedback & Suggestions

After testing Feral (Cat) quite a bit on the PTR here are my impressions:
Pros: Bleed Buffs feel good. Energy reg and the goar buff feels impactful and nice.
Cons: Furious Bite feels absolutly horrible. Shred requiring you to stand behind is still annoying and unnecessary (especially in pvp). Still no useful or nice opener.

Suggestions QOL (which should be done in any case):

  • Make Shred usable from all positions. It feels awful in PVE and PVP for really no reason.
  • Furious Bite should receive the 30% dmg boost from mangle. Its still very weak, but maybe usable in very rare scenarios. Doesnt affect DPS much (at all?), but feels good.
  • Revert the nerf on mangle back to 300%. Doesnt affect DPS much (at all?), but feels good.

Buff suggestions:

  • Make Skull bash a base skill or move it to a non essential feral slot (like bracers, or back)
  • Elunes fire should also affect/extend rake duration by 3 Seconds.

Nerf suggestions:

  • Frienzied reg. should be lowered from 10% to like 8% in general (Or 6% in WSG) to hurt flag carry druid. Yes, i as feral suggest a feral flag carry nerf.
  • If DPS turns out to be too high (which i really doubt, because these changes wont affect DPS too much), then tone done Autoattack DMG slightly/accordingly.

One thing i would like to see is to activate savage roar in stealth or buff openers in a meaningful way.
For example: Ravage deals 30% more dmg, but is unaffected by savage roar or trigger 1 Point savage roar.
And maybe pounce can be used from all sides.

Thank you for reading, let me know what you think.

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Seems like everyone who plays Feral agree one way or another on feedback and suggestions.
Agree for the most part & I mention Pounce again, no positional requirement & 3 seconds stun base, 4 talented please.

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