Feral Cat Suggestions

Another rogue player that is an ape? Classic.

Tigers fury was 5% and got buffed to 15% cause it was too rng, we don’t want it either bro.
Absolutely no one wants RNG dice rolls to be a factor into their output.

And guess what. If you shift tigers fury is gone. And guess what we are doing to press damage instead of sit around waiting 6 seconds for energy to return while we auto attack the boss. Shifting.

Tigers fury only ever gets full value during berserking.

You also think we want to be locked into a tier set bonus for the rest of the game, for something other classes got given as runes or baseline? No.

OOC is a 6% proc chance with 10sec ICD. Doesn’t matter how fast your attack speed is you’re waiting 10 sec between procs no matter what. on fights lasting 48 seconds. Huge.

Can do the exact same thing here.

Rogues got backstab with no positional requirement with energy reduction cost.

Rogues got Mutilate with no positional requirements and reduced energy cost.

Rogues got deadly brew that applies a spell damage taken increase AND does damage.

Rogues Poisons making up 1k dps which is almost the same as both feral bleeds combined that can crit.

I mean any delusional rogue looking for a pat on the back and buffs for aoe and single target damage when they are already performing incredibly well. OP just GIT GUD @SadRogueAndy

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holy sh…yo just get back to your cave! troll! ASAP!

and do me a favor NEVER REPLY to me, ever, i don’t care about you sh…, i intentionally ONLY replied to Änglalik, because how degen you and your replies are

YOU CAN’T EVEN COUNT! legit not even fit for - what is it called around where you’re from? kita? it makes sense tho you playing a feral, it’s said the smartest cats irl are about the same level of intelligence as a small child

NOW when you eventually learn to count…check the first 200- 300 top parses and compare how many ferals and how many paladins or shamans or BEST OF ALL WARLOCKS are in there - the very class you based you whole schizo wall of text on. Oh yeah poor ferals hard life lmao only when your name is Windfurybtw and you’re bad

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The only person trolling here is you lmao.

We were talking about cleave fights you absolute gremlin. Go look at the top 300 parses for Sulfuron Harbinger 1 single feral the rest is warlock. Domo has a reflect you clown no wonder warlock is lower. Who would’ve thought. Brother you are in no position to be questioning anything about intelligence. Injects himself into a conversation about swipe and then brings up statistics for overall MC which the top 300 is littered with Rogue, Warrior, Feral, Hunter. And there is FAR more yellow than orange on that board or are you colour blind as well as dumb? Actual insanity lmao.

Look for yourself since you clearly missed it the first time while you were making your useless point. Now what was that about eventually learning to count or intelligence level of a small child? You want some help putting the square block into the square hole bud? Or you manage to figure that one out yourself?

I’m just gonna leave this here.


Those poor poor paladins and underperforming rogues.

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So barely anyone has any input on what feral changes they’d like to see?

It is all about the class war? My class doesn’t have this or that so no one should get any improvements? Does every thread on these forums have to devolve into throwing excrement on eachother?

Thought up an idea for the Master Shapeshifter rune. Needs a lot of work to be balanced though! But it is a start.

Your Natural Shapeshifter talent reduces the cost of shifting by an additional 5% per talent point. When leaving a form you retain some of their abilities for a time.
Cat Form: You retain their Attack Power and attack speed of Cat Form and can auto-attack while casting for five seconds.
Bear Form or Dire Bear Form: You retain the armour value of Dire Bear form for five seconds.
Travel Form: You move 60% faster for five seconds.
Aquatic Form: … No idea :slight_smile:
Tree of Life Form: For five seconds X% of any damage you do heals friendly targets with one of your HoTs active on them."
Moonkin Form: Don’t know… Reverse of Tree of Life? Healing does damage to targets with DoTs?

I don’t know. I like the concept of a Master Shapeshifter but I can’t figure out a good implementation. It would probably be a rune more focused on Feral druids though as they shift around more. Balance/Resto don’t really have a good reason to shift.

I do think all of your suggestions are valid, but it kinda seems like the SOD devs have given up. Changing shred to not have a position requirement would be massive. I agree with savage roar being a very lazy and boring finisher, should be changed, but will probably never happen.

I get what you’re saying. Been thinking the same thing. Doesn’t seem to be a unified vision for anything in SoD. They just throw bodies at a problem and they all come up with different things and then they implement them all.

Why make an Idol to remove the extra energy usage on Ferocious Bite and thus encourage its use and then nerf the Elune’s Fire rune making it impossible to spend CPs on FB?
One hand doesn’t know what the other is doing and neither are even connected to the brain :slight_smile:

How can i find this p5 ptr patchwerk statistic?