Feral DF Talents Feedback

I’m just going to assume that you have not played WoW PvP at any serious level prior to WoD.

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Got facts or only worthless control techniqeues?

m80boi, literally anyone here who had an account during MoP disagrees with you, you’re unironically factually wrong.

Just tell me what rogue warlock and mage could do in MOP that they cannot do just as good or better now. Still nothing except those control techniqeues.

Gouge, Garrote, Deep Freeze, PoM, 8sec Fear, Fear that doesnt break instantly, Blood Horror, Howl. Just to mention a few.

You have no clue what you’re talking about. Just leave.

Shadowfury being instant too

Who the F cares about PvP? They are talking about the real game.

Go play CS for pvp

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He is not talking about PvE.

PS: PvP is just as much of a real game as PvE (source: https://imgur.com/a/30Vndgd).


No, It isn’t.

Since WoD ended, the flavour that Claws of Shirvallah provided for Feral druids was lost for me, either as a PVP talent or within the new talent set, i’d love to see it make a return for Feral Druids in Dragonflight, does anyone else feel the same way?

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