Feral Druid - Choosing an affinity


I play casual PvP all day er’day bruh

I see that literally 100% of top ranked Ferals are playing Guardian affinity atm, both in arena and in rated battlegrounds.
Can someone sell resto affinity to me?

I know that people will say “play whatever you like”, but I want to know the pros and cons of choosing resto affinity.

I only play battlegrounds and world PvP, Necrolord.
I’m a tauren, so I do have a way to setup 'clones with stomp (I appreciate that incap is still REALLY good!)

With guardian you get a nice disorient and a nice regen that works well with necrolord. As resto affinity when you are focused and you go into non bear form you get quite a lot of dmg and can be cced and killed quite fast as opposed to bear form wth the added tankiness if you cast swarm on yourself and use the regen you heal quite a lot paired with the disorient which gets you into the form already which costa 1GCD only. Also with that disorient you cam stop some goes and follow it with a cyclone.

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Resto worked earlier in the xpac when we actually could heal decently, but now it’s pretty much just bad. Don’t have the same CC-possibilities and don’t have the same reliable answer to burst (Frenzied Regen).

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I more prefer resto aff when playing night fae + tank legendary (barksin heal) in bgs or open world pvp.

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