Feral druid dps problem on Cata

are you aware that not even one decent guild want a feral dps ? not even 1… i tried to get a guild as feral dps and i couldent find even one decent guild who want one , unless i want to play as a tank… but i want to play feral dps thats what i enjoy playing and that what many other feral enjoy playing …

feral aoe is bad atm , ST dps is bad aswell comper to other class’s , feral have no cleave, feral give nothing to the table aswell… so yes no 1 want feral dps atm,

blizzard should fix that feral dps problem so people who like to play as feral could do it now same as any other class’s .

I don’t think ferals are as bad as you make them out to be. My guild is running 2 feral dps for our 25 man comp. They are not the absolute top like in WotLK (ferals doing more dps than shadowmourne fury warrior was stupid to begin with). But they are slightly above average, according to our logs. On occasions, our ferals have actually been top 5 damage dealers across the whole raid.

As feral, you also have the option to be a strong offtank, which is desirable in a raiding environment.

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I dont know how good your guild \players on your guild if feral is on 5 place of dps , and i didnt see any decent guild runing more then one feral dps if even one , unless he want to Off tank aswell , just check the logs of class’s comper to feral , and you can also check the simcraft of class’s comper to feral and you will notice a big difrence,

as i said i tried looking for a decent guild as feral for cata and i didnt find even one decent guild that want feral as dps and not as OS . and i have good logs from wotlk that i could join a good guilds with my logs

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Most guilds have set raiders from icc / wolk and dont need to rectuit much in first place.

That’s your main problem .

They just need to fill those last 2-4 spots and ofc they take good ranged for those

Even if guilds have members from wotlk , decent guilds asking from there ferals to rerule if they want to get raiding spot , i know many guild that did it, since they basicly want to get the best setup they can for raiding

It’s even worse.

FFF rune would fix it.
You wanted to remove bearweaving - you implemented FFF rune.
Now FFF rune is gone and dmg compared to other classes is even lower (even bearweaving).

Lol so 90% are playing pve and even looking at the forum 80% of that is monke so it’s not really a valid argument except apes STRONK together.

go reroll if you dont enjoy ur class at its state and topping meter is important. and there are bosses you wont be shredding :joy:

I understand it sucks. Just as much as it sucks that as a Prot warrior I cant main tank because everyone want bdk. Hopefully blizz will do something. But incase they wont, start adapting. I started gearing my off specc.

There are like 3 bosses that you can’t shred and many more encounters that you cannot Leaveweave (Feral Charge + Ravage). For noShred encounters - Mangle is not that much of the DPS loss, losing Ravage is a bigger hit, but still very low impact compared to FFF rune.

Another week, another low reached…

Did you even look at the link you posted? If feral gets any buff it will literally jump to top 3 dps to bosses. #3 dps to bosses at least guaranteed 100% .
Less than 6 points from #3. You people…

No, it won’t. As of right now it’s the lowest DPS in class.
Mage can play Fire, Warrior can play Arms, Rogue can play Combat, Hunter can play Survi etc etc.
and Feral can change spec to what? Bala? To do 1k more DPS and change the whole playstyle? Nice alternative.

Play feral and still do decent damage as any buff to the spec will literally make it do better dps than all others.

You realize that damage is bearweaving, right?
Last time Blizz had issue with it and fixed it by adding FFF rune. This time for some weird reason it’s fine and they do nothing. Kinda contradicting themselves, eh?

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And the last time they did it the Ferals jumped so high in DPS they overtaken max geared Fury Warriors.

Agree. 2-3 GCD of downtime is pretty sadge

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