I want to open a post about feral druid dps on cata .
Feral druid got remove the Omen of clarity proc when we use faerie fire, and now becouse of it feral is back to the bad days of wotlk where feral back to bearweaving just to squeeze a tiny bit more dps .
The problem atm is that the rotation is become way more anoying now then it was on the start of wotlk for ferals , since now feral druid beside the normal rotation that we do we will need to do bearweaving + run of of the target and use charge on boss each charge CD to get proc of ravege + to use thorns on the tanks , also of that to squeeze a bit more dps .
Im sure that it wasnt intended from blizzard to have that kind of masiv hard and complax rotation not like any other class on the game ,
I know some people will say its an optional to do the advance rotation ,but any feral that will want to max hes dps will need to do it …
Also from what i heard feral cats are not that great dps wize on cata raids so its even more strong reason that we have to mini max doing advance rotation to have a bit more dps…
What im asking from you blizzard is to fix that problems that i just wrote like you did in the middle of wotlk . i would like to have a normal dps rotation without the need to run out and charge the target on CD …just to get a proc of ravege or to use throns on cd on tanks or to go bearweaving all of that to squeeze a tiny bit more dps…
Have you seen ferals in PVP on cata? Mate it’s like S tier unstpable beast. I have seen 5 players to attack one druid in bear form even they had epic gear and not being able to kill him. SO the boost for their pve performance should be very patient. Anyway Boomkins outdamage ferals in PVE so you have at least balance betweens specs of being good each on something else like PVP/PVE. Look at warriors getting Fury nerfed and Arms dominating both PVE/PVP scene…
bro i dont care about pvp i care about pve , feral should not be so bad on pve just becouse of pvp ,that like 10% of the people that play the game do pvp, beside that blizzard can buff feral on pve only and not on pvp if its a problem.
It is not compatible as arms are now S tier and fury in their own personal F tier. Both Balance and feral are pretty solid C tier according to old lists.
So funny to read that when feral was one of the best DPS in a previous xpac. Have you said anything about shamans being literally bloodlust button for a whole WOTLK? Sure not as not a single soul cared about it, a single shaman tread was overlapped with hundreds treads of crying ferals/rets/wars throwing garbage on each others because one of them was “buffed to much”
You have viable DPS PvE spec, not every single spec suppose to be top1, you know that?
shaman had a good dps on wotlk , even if not the top dps still decent dmg , beside that shaman was always needed on wotlk to any raids and more then one shaman per raid , something you cant say about feral atm since most of the guilds dont want even one feral dps on the guild raids becouse feral dps is bad atm . im not talking about 10% less , more like 30%-40% lower then some class’s you can see the simcraft for yourself.
im talking from personal expirence im trying to find a spot as feral cat for the past 1 month on a decent guild and i didnt find guild untill now even with my good wotlk logs . since feral is bad atm and guilds dont want it .
and beside that what is your problem for fixing feral ? are you losing anything from that to your own class ? will you lose your spot on raids ? ofc not so dont complain here for no reason about wotlk shaman, if you dont like something about your class make a post like i did so blizzard will do something about it .
beside that my post wasnt only about feral bad dps on cata , its also about the bad rotation that feral have atm something that any other class’s on the game dont have and its something that must be fixed
Sure it does. Otherwise why play something that can never win if the conditions were equal ?
That was a bleed “bug” and how it worked and went around Nef mechanics. In reality Feral was where it is now. Average. The way this worked was fixed in later tiers, which means Feral stacking is very pointless.
Why would he say ANYTHING about any other class/spec outside of Feral in a post addressing Ferals ?
things changed a lot since original cata , and now the fact is that feral dps is dmn weak , there are people who like and enjoy playing feral druid cat and they should have the option to do it , feral dps atm is the worst from all specs almost