Feral druid feels even squishier now. (PvP Thread, strongly forbidden for PvE enjoyers)

Yes you are right, Feral has turned into a cyclone spam bot. You need to 10x outplay the enemy team to win. You need to kite, double stun, try to get cyclone casts out, try to prebear rogue stuns, root the secondary target, try to use your higher range from Astral Influence to slow enemies and DMG them just from outside their melee range, while everyone else just presses “W 1 2 3 4” and does just as much as you do and outheals and outdmgs you from passives, while you can cast 30 regrowths and you still did less healing than a single passive effect from any other class.

It’s sad the Blizzard has no idea what to do with Feral and Druids in general. The class tree sucks, all specs are centered around a single spell called CYCLONE. When you can’t cast it because you got 2 zug zugs on you 24/7 you basically do nothing and our tier set actually makes it even worse. Congratz Blizzard you just ignored every single feedback thread that ever existed about Ferals. We wanted less power into Cyclone, we wanted FB to not be 50% of our DMG and we wanted more survivability. Instead we got more power in Cyclone and a talent that makes FB hit harder. :smiley: I think they are trolling us. :smiley:


I have to be honest, I gotta go back and stick to my original comment… it’s absolutely ridiculous for a feral druid doing that wild arcana quest. I shouldn’t have to wait till stupid o’clock in the morning to be able to do it, just took about 15 deaths to complete it, I can barely even pick up any of the buffs without being wiped out in literally seconds. Meanwhile other specs are managing pretty well cos they can withstand way more damage and put out way more at the same time. Soon as anyone sees you’re feral, it’s instant target… the clowns camping the GY are just the icing on the cake.

this is a ridiculous claim. Im trying to be nice but just stop it.
Wild Arcana is intentionally absurd and not basis to judge or make any assumptions over PvP.

Well, we’re gonna have to agree to disagree… I know it’s supposed to be berserk but I just don’t have the defensives to compete with other clases/specs. Others can, bubble, shield, turtle, iceblock… I can bearform and you know how that goes. I just get back from my 2 minute wait for a res, join the ring again and by the time I get to pick up a buff I’m already scrambling to stay alive, with my already useless defensives on cool.

My experience so far:

Great Disadvantage:

  • DH
  • UHDK
  • Demo Lock
  • Destro Lock
  • Arms Warr
  • Fire Mage
  • Arcane Mage
  • BM Hunter
  • MM Hunter
  • Sub Rogue
  • Outlaw Rogue
  • Boomkin
  • Ele Sham
  • WW


  • Ret
  • Enh Sham
  • Assa Rogue
  • Affli Lock
  • Dev Evoker
  • Frost Mage

Somewhat equal:

  • SP

Not met enough to make a judgement:

  • Fury Warr

  • Aug Evoker

  • FDK

In 3s + shuffle, going against 2 melee or 2 casters is a guaranteed death. When it’s a mixed setup there’s a chance to survive.

Double-dps in 2s is absolute garbage.

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Yes a mixed game is the best, cause you actually have a chance to LOS the caster, try to get those cyclone casts. When you have 2 melee on you it’s GG. Like I had DK + Warrior on me and they used every single CD and CC they had on me just to stop my cyclone casts, our healer didn’t get a single CC all game. Grips, Silience, Stuns, Fear, Interrupts all just to make sure I don’t cast. And they won the game. Why? Cause Feral is a cyclone spam bot that has half of his power behind cyclone, a cyclone PvP talent and cyclone tier set…

I bet next patch we’ll have that you can’t enter bear form or cat form before you get a cyclone cast off. :smiley:


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