Feral druid mediocre PvP changes again in 10.1 PTR


18k regrowth :partying_face:

even a warri have more utility in this fast paced and focused single target ā€œscaryā€ burst meta

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I gave up on live-WoW, started leveling a kitty in Wotlkā€¦ Hopefully they release Cata as wellā€¦

kitty in wotlk aint that fun but at least the outdated design matches the expansion :smiley:

Itā€™s so over

Aye, very true. But at least the bad parts of the design mathes the xpac and I know what Iā€™m getting - there is no hope of having improvements. Which is nice, helps to just accept the situation

It was already over when CMs were scrapped for M+ in Legion

I am not joking, feral literally has no defensives anymore, barkskin, thatā€™s it. Healing is literally so nerfed it might not even exist anymore.


I mean its very obvious lore wise:
A warrior who charges in like a maniac and gets hit will heal more because he got hit duh!
A warlock who only wears clothes have a big meaty shield every 45seconds but also uses undeath magic to get healed.
A druid connected nature you say? pff imagine how long for a tree to regrow! Makes sense that regrowth heals only for 10k!!

You will heal yourself for 15k on 500k healthpools and you will enjoy it.


I cooled down.
I feel like nothing we get is appreciated, Blizzard gives us something fun to play with and then here we are (more like I) smear.
Im happy with Wild Attunement, im happy we got Precog. , maybe in the future we will get more things, a redesign or something that will make us shine.
Maybe we get some sort of immunity just like the other meleesā€¦ one day
For now , its not bad, weā€™re A - B tear, we can all make it up to some desired rating.

I canā€™t understand why every DPS spec and Hybrids like Elemental Shaman got a heal buff with the ā€œHp increaseā€ except Feral Druid

What is that logic? My regrowth is healing just like it did when I only had 300k hp??

so we Have More Hp, while my Regrowth heals for the Same? xD

and Regrowth also cost a Global cd, so What is the point to use it, to get killed by Warlock Pets Behind a Pillar?

even the Passive Heal procĀ“s from Warri, or the shamans earth shield is Healing more than Regrowth

WHILE the Regrowth From a Boomy Heals you for 50k ? XD


Youā€™re absolutely right and they should totally buff Regrowth and also make Thorns or Cyclone baseline however there ways to temporary increase your healing:
[Verdant Heart] : does not increase your healing from Frenzied Regeneration but during Frenzied you can use an instant cast of Regrowth or Swiftmend(has to be from bear, during the Frenzied Regen buff) and it WILL be increased by 20% , another 20% (40 total) if you also have Barkskin.
Your healing is also buffed with Heart of the Wild out of form by 20% so you can pop that right after, it also increases your Stamina in Bear Form so that means your Frenzied Regen will heal more for the duration of the buff that HP heal will matter, that also means if you pop a HP increasing trinket it will heal you more for the moment, however once its down the Healed HP is lost. Which means this is good only for critical situations.

Another way to buff Frenzied Regen is Adaptive Swarm and Barkskin. Many people use Adaptive Swarm offensively or dont even pick the talent at all thinking its gibberish and a waste of tp/gcd/keybind, especially in AOE builds.
But actually a self- cast of Adaptive Swarm gives you a Pre- Nerf Frenzied Regen.
I also use it when im close to 60% hp and im being trained for the Well- Honed Instincts which ā€¦ also procs you a stack of Frenzied Regen.
And lastly but not least [Protective Growth] - Regrowth buff gives u 5% all dmg reduction.
Game is numbers, if you can reduce some that adds up. Yes, its not healing at all but stoping 5% from being trained equals a good amount of extra health u save yourself from having to heal from.

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  • The class tree is too bloated with abilities that should have been baseline. Abilities like Cyclone, Soothe and Innervate.

  • Convoke/Incarn should be in class tree not spec tree, them being signature druid abilities and druidā€™s going into Dragonflight losing player power with their new talent treeā€™s whereas other classes gaining player power with new talent treeā€™s.

  • Frenzied Regeneration should be off the GCD.

  • Hearth of the Wild cooldown should be reduced and should be off the GCD.

  • Rejuvenation healing is too low.


  • Feral Regrowth healing in PvP is too low. You currently are unable to recover properly on your own, and that while being a hybrid class?

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