I already made a ticket and sent feedback about this bug already but I was told there is no such thing as Prowl not working in Solo Shuffle. So down below I will post the gif link where it clearly shows that it’s the start of the round and I cannot enter Prowl, I even used the spell from the Spell book and its the same, yesterday lost 2 solo shuffles and today another 2 just because I cannot use Prowl and can’t rake stun either. This is through all the rounds, using Shadowmeld and/or getting out of combat wont make Prowl usable. Hopefully someone will take a look into it. Thanks.
imgur . com/a/udipK5m
Link is split because I can’t apparently put one here, just remove spaces.
even with fully disabled addons, i keep having the issue that, usually after the first round of soloshuffle that my stealth/prowl gets “disabled”. not even clicking it straight out of the spellbook works or using /cast Prowl - so not an macro issue.
even with fully disabled addons i cannot get into stealth. It looks like a disabled talent in my bars…
the only way to get it to work again - briefly - is to restart the entire game between rounds… /reload doesnt help at all.
so far ive tried clean reinstalling the game twice, with no addons and i keep getting the same issue, which leads me to believe there is something bugged with my character.
i also encountered this issue once in a mythic+ dungeon aswell…
probably fix (workaround) after several hours of testing:
it seems, like it was already mentioned, you can’t have prowl (!prowl) and rake in one makro since patch 11.0.5.
seperated !prowl into another keybind(makro) works for me, until further notice